New Cochrane Community website!

New Cochrane Community website!

Time to celebrate - the new Cochrane Community website is here!

We are delighted to welcome you to the new and improved Cochrane Community website - the final phase of rebranding Cochrane online. It's been just over a year since we launched with our new organizational logo and branding; following that, 130+ Cochrane Groups went through the same process. Now we're focusing on this website, to make it a key resource in the work of Cochrane Groups and contributors worldwide.

The Community website has grown organically over the years, and has become increasingly difficult to search and navigate. Groups have been using their external websites to bookmark key pages and resources for their contributors. It is our hope that this will no longer be necessary – although those hyperlinks will still work for the time being. We hope that the new structure will make it easy for you to find the right resources for each stage of the review production process; get a clearer view of the many projects in which the Central Executive team is involved; and access all the resources available to make review production and dissemination easier.

New features:

  • Easy to navigate search: We have consulted with the community to develop a more streamlined navigation. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try the search feature in the top right or every page.
  • News and blogs in same place: No more switching between different pages to see what's happening across the community! Blogs and News are in the same feed here – just click on the news or blog tag at the end of posts to filter.
  • Quick links: We reviewed analytics to find out what pages were viewed most on the old site. You now have easy access to the top pages from the main landing page on the right-hand side.

The Community site is still a work in progress. We’d love to hear from you about what is missing or edits you may have - please provide your feedback here!

29 February 2016