Monitoring and Registration Group Report


Prepared by:      Sally Green and Steff Lewis, Co-Convenors

Date:                24 February 2005


1.                   How many meetings, and of what type (e.g. face-to-face or by teleconference), has your Advisory Group had since October 2004? 


The MRG held two teleconferences (one in November 2004 and one in March 2005), and other teleconferences held as necessary relating to monitoring (with appropriate MRG members and members of entities).  The activities of the MRG have continued with adequate consultation by e-mail as necessary.

Is this what you expected when you set your budget for the year?




2.                   Supply an up-to-date list of the members of your Group.


Godwin Aja, Lorne Becker, Sylvia Bickley (non-elected member), Jon Deeks, Jodie Doyle (non-elected member), Zbys Fedorowicz, Sally Green (Co-Convenor), Sally Hopewell (non-elected member), Steff Lewis (Co-Convenor), Heather Maxwell (non-elected member), Karen New (non-elected member), Rob Scholten, Mingming Zhang (non-elected member).


3.       Summarise any significant actions taken by your Advisory Group since your last report (for the Steering Group meeting in Ottawa in October 2004), and significant actions planned for the next six months until the next meeting of the Steering Group in Melbourne in October 2005.


3.1                   In the last six months:


a.       Actions taken in monitoring entities for January to December 2004:  Monitoring forms were sent to CRGs, and a request for financial information (see Appendix 1) was sent to other entities on 20 January 2004. 


b.       Improving communication about the outcomes of monitoring: The MRG communicated the common themes resulting from themes identified in the 2004 monitoring round to the entity representatives to encourage discussion at appropriate entity meetings.


c.       New entities: One new Methods Group was registered: Information Retrieval (Co-Convenors: Steve Pritchard and Carol Lefebvre).


d.       Proposed new entities:  Rob Scholten attended the meeting of the proposed Diet and Nutrition Field (proposed Convenor: Jaap van Binsbergen), at which it was agreed the group would be a sub-group of either the Primary Health Care Field, or the Health Promotion and Public Health Field.  We continue to work with the proposed Equity in Health Care Field (proposed Convenor: Peter Tugwell), the proposed Childhood Cancer CRG (proposed Co-ordinating Editor: Leontien Kremer), and the proposed Behavioral Medicine Field (proposed Convenor: Karina Davidson).


e.       Recruitment of new members: The MRG has recruited a TSC representative (Sylvia Bickley).  Attempts to recruit a Co-ordinating Editor have not been successful, but we do have an editor member and are continuing to work on facilitating better communication with Co-ordinating Editors.


f.        Time expectations/roles of editorial base staff: The registration criteria for new CRGs state that there should be 1.0 combined FTE for a RGC/TSC role, and 0.1 for a Co-ordinating Editor.  After discussions by Co-ordinating Editors, the MRG will ask them to discuss the appropriate FTE expectations for different sized groups at their meeting in Melbourne and registration will be considered in light of this.  


g.       Satellites of CRGs, Branches of Centres and Sub-Groups of Methods Groups and Fields: As increasing numbers of entities are establishing ‘outposts’, generally in a different country to the entity base, the MRG is faced with keeping track of these and deciding on the best way in which to effectively monitor them.  The MRG has written a paper proposing a model for this and put it to the RGCs’, TSCs’, Co-ordinating Editors’ and Centre Directors’ meetings during the Ottawa Colloquium for feedback.  Unfortunately due to time constraints this was not discussed, but will be discussed during meetings being held during the Melbourne Colloquium.  We will revise the paper in light of this feedback and then will submit it to the Steering Group for approval.  (See Appendix 2 for amendments made to the ‘Changes to entities’ document made after the Steering Group meeting in Ottawa 2004.)


h.       Follow up of entities about which we are concerned: We have continued to communicate by phone and email with many of the entities about which we were concerned following last year’s monitoring process. Many of the issues have been resolved, and in the case of one entity that has been experiencing difficulties for some time, a new convenor is being sought.


i.    Sending Monitoring reports to Branches of Centres: Permission was granted from Centre Directors for the MRG to send copies of future Centre monitoring reports directly to Branches.


3.2                   In the next six months:


a.       Actions to be taken in monitoring entities for January to December 2004:  Completed monitoring forms will be discussed at the face-to-face meeting in June 2005, and reports will be written for CRGs.  CRGs will then be given the opportunity to comment on their report.  Nick Royle has agreed to inform the MRG of any entities that he feels have threats to their financial stability or sustainability.  The Consumer Network will not be monitored for the period January – December 2004, because of its ongoing review and redevelopment.  The Consumer Network is currently working through the registration process as a Field.


b.       Supporting entities experiencing difficulties: MRG members will continue to support entities that are experiencing difficulties, which were identified during the monitoring process in 2004.  The Co-Convenors have written to Centre Directors, and have had face-to-face meetings and/or teleconferences with relevant entities. Individual members assigned to each entity in difficulty will report on progress at the MRG meeting in June 2005.


c.       Registration project:  The MRG is in the process of evaluating the registration criteria and checklists, and will ensure they are up-to-date in The Cochrane Manual for new entities during the year 2005.


d.       Compliance with registration criteria: Related to 3.2 (c), currently entities are monitored against core functions.  All registration requirements are not reflected in core functions (for example the amount of time spent on core Collaboration work, interactions with and support for other entities). It is proposed that, after the registration criteria for all entity types are updated, that the MRG develop a method for ensuring compliance with registration criteria in addition to core functions.


e.       Proposed Conveners of Cochrane entities: The MRG will be proposing a paper to the Steering Group, which will outline the important qualities required by someone who wishes to convene an entity.


f.         Coverage: In March 2003 the MRG asked the Steering Group to consider the current and future ‘coverage’ of the Collaboration with respect to geographic regions and areas of healthcare.  We consider this particularly important to guide decisions about the registration of future entities based on need.  Nick Royle was requested to map the current coverage and provide advice about any gaps.  At later meetings it was decided that Nick’s primary task was in fundraising and management and the coverage project was delegated back to the MRG.  Kathie Clark started the process of establishing a Working Group, to make preliminary investigations into the 'coverage' of Centres, CRGs and Methods Groups, but since her resignation from the Steering Group, Karen New has undertaken to chair this group.  This working group will include representation from CRGs and Satellites, Centres and Branches, Methods Groups, Fields, the Developing Counties Initiative and the Consumer Network.  It will report back to the MRG and the MRG in turn will inform the Steering Group.


g.       Updating Cochrane reviews: Rob Scholten has written a draft paper on updating reviews in response to the MRG’s concern in 2004 about the increasing numbers of CRGs with many out-of-date reviews.  The paper will be presented to the Steering Group at its meeting in Melbourne (October 2005).


4.   Does your Group have any questions that you would like the Steering Group to answer?  If so, please list them.


Questions arising from this year’s monitoring process will be raised at the Steering Group meeting during the Melbourne Colloquium.


5.   Does your Group wish to raise any problems, and recommended solutions, which you would like the Steering Group to discuss?  If so, please list them.


The MRG has been made aware of problems that some members of Fields are having when interacting with CRGs.  Lorne Becker will be drafting a document outlining these problems, and this document will be presented to the Steering Group meeting during the Melbourne Colloquium.


6.       Do you foresee any problems in keeping within the budget you submitted for the current financial year (April 2004 – March 2005)?


The MRG has not spent the full budget allocated at the CCSG meeting in Bergamo.  It is likely that the budget will be under spent at the year-end.  It is planned to use part of this surplus to support the working group looking at coverage.


7.   What are your budgetary requirements for the period April 2005 to March 2006?  Please provide a breakdown if appropriate. 


We have kept within our budget for the year April 2004 to March 2005.  We are likely to keep within the same budget for the year April 2005 to March 2006.  However, because of the expansion of membership of the MRG from 10 to 12 (who have not yet met face-to-face), the budget may need to be increased slightly.






Please complete one of these forms for the entity base, and any satellites, sub-groups, or branches.


Cash flow forecast


(Please see ‘Notes for completion’, to which row numbers refer.)


1. Currency used



Financial Year


1 April to 31 March









[Main funder, e.g. Government funding, Department of Health]








[Supplementary income, e.g. other state funding]








[Supplementary income, e.g. charitable trust]








[Supplementary income, e.g. publisher]








Funding from commercial sources

[Company name]

[Company name]






Total income







5.  Expenditure


Staffing (current and assumed pay rates)








Institutional overhead (at rate [nn]%)








Travel, conferences and meetings








Other expenditure (total)







Total Expenditure








Surplus (Deficit)








Do you anticipate any (non-financial) threats to your entity over the next 12 months?







Any other comments:







Notes for completion


General points

This cash flow forecast gives you the opportunity to describe your financial planning over a five-year period (if, for later years in this period, your financial status is unknown, please write ‘unknown’ in the table).  Having this information is likely to be of benefit to you for financial planning, fundraising, and for internal governance.  It will help the Monitoring and Registration Group (MRG) and the Secretariat by providing an accurate picture of each entity’s financial stability, and helping to identify current and potential future problems. It will enable the Collaboration to report (in aggregated/anonymised form) an accurate picture of the Collaboration’s financial status.


Individual entity figures will remain confidential between the entity, MRG, Secretariat and Steering Group, although aggregated/anonymised data will be used more widely in fundraising, publicity, and related material.


Both ‘income’ and ‘expenditure’ refer to funds allocated and used specifically for Cochrane activities.  If it is difficult to divide your overall funding into ‘Cochrane’ and ‘other’ activities, please make a common-sense judgement – there is no need to make extensive investigations.


Specific points


1.  For simplicity, use your usual currency (please state what this is).


2.  The Collaboration works to a financial year that runs from 1 April to 31 March each year, and it would help us if you could also use the same period.  However, if this proves difficult, please use your normal financial reporting period, and change the description of the financial year in Row 2 as appropriate.


3.  The table enables you to record your actual or planned annual income and expenditure for years 2004-05 to 2008-09.  Please list income by source rather than by function.  If you have obtained funding for a specific purpose, list the name of the funder and not the purpose.  For example, if you had obtained funding for translating articles from the Spanish Government, this would be listed under ‘Spanish Government’, not ‘Translation’.


4.  Please detail any commercial funding (as defined by the Collaboration’s policy on commercial sponsorship) as a separate item.


5.  Expenditure has been categorised by specific functions.  Please use the categories listed, but add others if you need to.


6.  For future cost of staffing use a sensible estimate, such as the average percentage increase over the last three years.  Please note that this makes no assumption of actual pay increases, which will no doubt be different from those estimated.  The figure is used solely so that you have an estimate of future costs that you can use for planning purposes.


7.  ‘Institutional overhead’ is the amount paid by you to your ‘parent’ or ‘host’ institution, and it would be helpful if you could provide the percentage figure at ‘[nn]’.  Please use an explanatory note in ‘any other comments’ if you feel that this would be helpful.


8. This is the total income minus the total expenditure.


Finally, if you need help to complete this table Nick Royle is very happy to discuss this with you (+44 (0)1865 310138,





APPROVAL: Changes requiring approval.  (Please send details of proposed change to the Secretariat Deputy Administrator (

NOTIFICATION REQUIRED: Changes where immediate notification is required. (Please send notification to the Secretariat Deputy Administrator (

NOTIFICATION REQUESTED: Changes where notification is requested through the annual monitoring process.




Relocation of entity from one country to another

Approval (letter of support required)

Relocation of entity within a country

Notification required

Division of entity (e.g. based in different locations)

Notification required

Change of primary funders

Notification required

Change of registered name


Significant reduction in resources available (e.g. drop of more than 20%)

Notification required

Significant increase in resources available (e.g. rise of more than 20%)

Notification requested

Closure of entity


Change of legal status or governance (e.g. registering as a company or charity)


Change of status to a Cochrane-Campbell entity






Change of Co-ordinating Editor

Notification required

Change of editors or other members of staff

Notification requested

Change of scope of CRG


Merger with another CRG


Significant changes in editorial practice

Notification requested

Establishment of satellites (letter of support required from the reference Cochrane Centre of the country where the of the satellite will be located, and the country where the editorial base is located)






Change of Centre Director

Notification required

Change of other members of staff

Notification requested

Change of special function


Change of a Centre Branch Director

Notification required

Establishment of Branches (letter of support required from the reference Cochrane Centre of the country where the of the satellite will be located, and from entities based in the country where the Branch will be located)






Change of Co-ordinator

Notification required

Change of other members of staff

Notification requested

Change of registered scope


Merger with another Field


Establishment or change to new or ongoing bursary schemes

Notification required

Establishment of sub-groups (letter of support required from the Field or Network concerned, the reference Cochrane Centre of the Field or Network concerned, and the reference Cochrane Centre of the country where the sub-group will be located)






Change of Convenor

Notification required

Change of other members of staff

Notification requested

Change of registered scope


Merger with another Methods Group


Establishment of sub-groups (letter of support required from the Methods Group concerned, the reference Cochrane Centre of the Methods Group, and the reference Cochrane Centre of the country where the sub-group will be located)
