France Légaré


  • (Leader) Cochrane Canada Francophone

1. Financial interests


Please specify

I am not sure about this. In the past, we received grants from public canadian funding agencies, genome canada and genome quebec. greybox ehealth start up in montreal canada had transfered one of our decision aid on their ehealth platform. but we were never ; received any money it was acknowledged as inkind by genome canada and genome quebec. we dont have royalty nor a licence payment and the project is finished with no plan to sustain or update the decision aid as the technology that was used is now out of date.

2. Non-financial interests


Please specify

i am canada research chair in shared decision making and knowledge mobilization

3. Do you hold any financial or non-financial ties with the Cochrane Collaboration, past or present


4. Commercial organisation with an interest in any topic related to heath care or medical research
