Ivan Florez


  • (Leader) Cochrane Colombia
  • CoI Panel

1. Financial interests


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1. I have received grants from: - Canadian institute for Health research to conduct evidence synthesis to inform decisions by Public Health Agency of Canada - WHO to conduct evidence synthesis to inform WHO guidelines (BOTH, have been receieved through my University, as part of the UNED, the Unit I co-coordinate for evidence synthesis process in University of Antioquia) 2) I have also been commissioned (I have received fess of around 10,000 USD in total in the last 2 years) to do capacity building (ie, guidelines training to different stakeholders in India), by the Centre for Global Development in the UK/US (Funded by not for profit organizations such as Gates Foundation). 3) Received Stipend since 2023 as Editor in Chief of Clinical And Public Health Guidelines (GIN Journal)

2. Non-financial interests


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Leader of AGREE collaboration

4. Commercial organisation with an interest in any topic related to heath care or medical research


Please specify

My spouse works for CELAN a not for profit research organization in Colombia focused on evaluating evidence for nutritional interventions. CELAN is partially funded by nutritional and foods industry.