Kenneth Warren, a scientist, extremely influential in drawing attention to the 'great neglected diseases' that plague people in developing countries. He prioritized the need for valid summaries of key research studies and to the way electronic media could be used to disseminate results of health research.
Every year Cochrane recognizes the outstanding work ofKenneth was an enthusiastic supporter of the pilot work in pregnancy and childbirth that led to the creation of The Cochrane Collaboration, and, with Fred Mosteller, he co-organized the meeting at the New York Academy of Sciences at which the vision for Cochrane was first made public.
The Kenneth Warren Prize is awarded every year by Cochrane to a scientist who publishes a Cochrane Review about a health issue in developing countries. The winning entry judged to be both of high methodological quality and relevant to health problems in low income countries.
2022’s winner is Eleanor Ochodo-Opondo, for "Point-of-care tests detecting HIV nucleic acids for diagnosis of HIV-1 or HIV-2 infection in infants and children aged 18 months or less"
How did it feel winning the prize?
It felt great! I am passionate about evidence-based diagnostics and was excited that my systematic review of diagnostic test accuracy was recognised.
How did you first find out about Cochrane, and indeed the Kenneth Warren Prize?
I first found out about Cochrane while doing my PhD at the University of Amsterdam. I published a Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy review as part of my PhD thesis in collaboration with authors from Cochrane Netherlands.
What’s been the impact of winning the prize to you, and your work?
Looking through past awards, this seems to be the first diagnostic test accuracy review recognised by the Kenneth Warren Prize. Back in the year 2012 during my PhD , I penned an opinion piece " Systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy for evidence-based diagnostic practice in Africa" to encourage the conduct and use of such reviews in Africa. This award validates aspects that I articulated in the opinion piece. In addition, the awarded review involved mentoring a novice review author from Kenya (2nd author of review) which I did. This award recognition inspired her.
Finally, how important is this prize, its heritage, and prestige in promoting Cochrane and evidence based health care?
The Kenneth Warren Prize recognises high quality reviews conducted by nationals of developing countries. This is one way of encouraging the conduct of cochrane reviews and promotion of evidence based health care in developing countries.