
Elections to the Cochrane Council: Stefano Negrini

Elections to the Cochrane Council: Stefano Negrini

Dear Cochrane Members,

The Cochrane Council aims to ensure that Cochrane Groups retain an effective voice in Cochrane’s leadership and strategic decision-making.

We are delighted to announce that Stefano Negrini has been elected as a Field representative on the Cochrane Council alongside Craig Lockwood, who is also the Council Co-Chair. Stefano is the Director of Cochrane Rehabilitation Field and an author for Cochrane Back and Neck and Cochrane Stroke. He is based in Brescia, Italy.


19 June 2019

Video: Cochrane Public Health and Health Systems

Video: Cochrane Public Health and Health Systems

Cochrane has created eight new Networks of Cochrane Review Groups  responsible for the efficient and timely production of high-quality systematic reviews that address the research questions that are most important to decision makers.

In this short film we focus on the Cochrane Public Health and Health Systems Network. This film introduces the team, what has happened so far, and the ambition for what is to come.


18 June 2019

Evaluation of Cochrane Interactive Learning – deadline extended

Evaluation of Cochrane Interactive Learning

Cochrane’s Membership, Learning and Support Services (MLSS) are evaluating our suite of online learning modules on conducting an intervention review, Cochrane Interactive Learning. We are keen to learn about your experience of using the modules; whether that is as an Author learner yourself, by way of support that you provide others as an Editor or Trainer, or even if you haven’t taken the modules but would like to share your thoughts on the learning you’d like to see. 



The results of this evaluation will help us strengthen and enhance not just the Cochrane Interactive Learning modules, but also all of the future online learning that MLSS offers, and make sure this is as useful to the community as possible.

We have now extended the deadline for the survey to 26 July. 

As a thank you for everyone who completes the evaluation survey (which takes about 15 minutes to complete), we are offering entry to a free prize draw, with a chance to win a £50 or one of five £25 Amazon vouchers.

We’re keen to hear from as many of you as possible!  Please take the survey here:

Chris Watts
Learning Manager, MLSS

17 June 2019

2019 Cochrane Colloquium Scientific Programme

Cochrane Colloquium

Cochrane is proud announce final scientific programme for the Santiago Colloquium, October 22-25, 2019.

The Cochrane Colloquium, Cochrane’s flagship annual event, will highlight this year’s theme of ‘Embracing Diversity’.

Cochrane Chile is proud to announce that the 2019 Cochrane Colloquium scientific program is finalized! This year’s scientific program is highly focused on the over-arching Colloquium theme, ‘Embracing Diversity’, which will be carried out through plenaries from global speakers, special sessions, oral presentations, and workshops.

Plenary sessions will address the importance of evidence regarding equity, how Cochrane evidence can be used by diverse stakeholders, and the growing methodological diversity within Cochrane as a global organization. A Cochrane Lecture will review thoughts on the diversity of choices Cochrane faces as part of its future.

There will be nine 90-minute special sessions presented throughout the scientific program. These sessions, chosen for their innovative content and relevance to the Colloquium audience, will range from discussion of important methodological advances with the launch of the new Cochrane Handbook, to the use of evidence in decision-making in Chile and with policy-makers from Latin America; from engaging non-financial conflicts of interest to welcoming Spanish-speaking newcomers and mentoring of non-English-speaking authors; from using evidence to assist consumers with making informed health choices to technological search tools that could integrate with the Cochrane ecosystem.

The Colloquium’s concurrent sessions will experience a presentation of myriad oral presentations and workshops. Hard work undertaken over recent months by the abstract and workshop committees have resulted in acceptance of 565 Abstracts and 63 workshops as part of the main Colloquium program. Representing truly, diverse content, presentations will include authors from around the world and topics spanning 17 abstract categories and 19 workshop categories. Sessions will be scheduled over the next few months, and sign-ups will be available starting in early October.

Gabriel Rada, Director of Cochrane Chile and chair of the 2019 Cochrane Colloquium, says this year’s scientific programme is particularly strong: “We are proud to have such a complete and high-quality scientific programme, with presenters that are all leaders in the topics they will speak about. We believe that it addresses diversity in all its dimensions and complexity, and the challenge of truly embracing it. We are pleased to bring back the traditional Cochrane Lecture with Andy Oxman. Andy is not only a key player in the origins and evolution of evidence-based medicine, systematic reviews, the GRADE method and the Cochrane Collaboration, but also has a strong connection with Chile and Latin America, as part of his work aimed at low- and middle-income countries. It will be an excellent and exciting Colloquium.”

Join us for this year’s globally diverse scientific program!

14 June 2019

Cochrane Priority Reviews List: June 2019 Update

Cochrane Priority Reviews List: June 2019 Update

The Cochrane Priority Reviews List is a ‘living’ record of Cochrane’s attempt to identify reviews that are of greatest importance to our stakeholders and are likely to impact significantly on health outcomes worldwide. The list is updated in real time as reviews are published and new titles added.

Some of the titles on the list are open to new authors. If you are interested in one of these open titles please contact the relevant Cochrane Review Group before submitting a review proposal:

Please be aware that all other titles on the list have author teams in place.

Ruth Foxlee, Senior Programme Manager, Editorial & Methods Department

14 June 2019

Cochrane’s Neurological Sciences Field launches 2019 Summer School for young physicians and trainees interested in cerebrovascular diseases

Cochrane’s Neurological Sciences Field launches 2019 Summer School for young physicians and trainees interested in cerebrovascular diseases

Together with support from the Umbria Region Health Authority, Perugia, Italy, Cochrane’s Neurological Sciences Field is organizing a four-day Summer School 10-13 September 2019.

The residential course targeted to young physicians and trainees interested in cerebrovascular diseases, aims to present, discuss and appraise key methodological issues encountered in clinical practice with examples in vascular neurology.

Participants will learn to what extent and how methodology sustains clinical practice and the decisions that can be made accordingly, using cerebrovascular diseases as an example.

Discussions on evidence-based medicine (EBM), elements of statistics, and what is needed to appraise evidence will be conducted so that participants will be encouraged to promote clinical EBM research and systematic reviews in their professional activity to manage uncertainty.

After successful completion of the course, participants will bridge the research-practice gap in a context of evidence-based education through:

  1.  knowing when and how to screen for particular conditions;
  2. having an understanding of how to appraise the evidence from trials and systematic reviews
  3. knowing how to read a Cochrane Summary of Findings Table;
  4. understanding useful elements about statistics;
  5. knowing the current debate on the meaning and role of EBM.



If you are a practitioner, neurologist, healthcare worker, researcher, guideline developer or policy-makers who wants to get more involved in Cochrane methodology and stroke medicine, find out more information and register here: or contact Kathryn Mahan, Coordinator, Cochrane Neurological Sciences Field,

10 June 2019

Video: Cochrane Mental Health and Neuroscience Network

Introducing the Cochrane Mental Health and Neuroscience Network.

In this short film, created at the 2019 Cochrane Governance Meetings, we introduce the Cochrane Mental Health and Neuroscience Network.

Cochrane has created eight new Networks of Cochrane Review Groups  responsible for the efficient and timely production of high-quality systematic reviews that address the research questions that are most important to decision makers. This is the first in the series to be released, each network will be presented in a film like this, in the coming weeks.

This film introduces the team, what has happened so far and the ambition for what is to come.


10 June 2019

Cochrane January-March 2019: Q1 Dashboard

Cochrane January-March 2019: Q1 Dashboard

Cochrane exists so that healthcare decisions get better.’ That is the first sentence of our Strategy to 2020 that aims to put Cochrane evidence at the heart of health decision-making all over the world. Here’s a look back at some key highlights of our work in the first quarter of 2019, from January to March.

Cochrane began preparations for its annual flagship event, Cochrane’s Colloquium in Santiago, Chile 22-25 October, 2019. During this time, many Cochrane contributors submitted abstracts as part of the scientific programme, this year ‘embracing diversity’. We also opened the call for hosts for the second Global Evidence Summit in 2021, a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural event to exchange ideas about how we best produce, summarize and disseminate evidence to inform policy and practice, and using that evidence to improve people’s lives across the world. 

In Q1 2019, we saw the many ways people are using and accessing our health evidence. An international group of researchers found Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to be the 
most referenced health-related journal on Wikipedia. The World Health Organization published guidelines for malaria vector control, drawing on seven Cochrane reviews specially prepared for them by the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group. We also started a new online series that collects stories about how Cochrane evidence is being used - from in the workplace,  in clinical practice, to in everyday life.

We saw our global reach and impact expanded with the Launch of Cochrane ColombiaCochrane Ireland, a Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth satellite group established in the United States. Cochrane’s status as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in official relations with the World Health Organization was renewed at WHO’s Executive Board meeting in January2019.  We increased our reach with a younger audience, PhD and med students and early-career professionals with the launch of Cochrane on Instagram.  We also delivered training  with eight news Cochane Learning Live webinars attracting 548 attendees.


Cochrane’s Dashboard presents key metrics on our performance in any quarter including information on Strategy to 2020 organizational Target achievements. We use it as an tool to reflect on our accomplishments on a quarterly basis.

Here’s how we did in Quarter 1, 2019:



5 June 2019

2019 Cochrane Author Experience Survey

2019 Cochrane Author Experience Survey

We are excited to launch the 2019 Cochrane Author Experience Survey! If you are an author of a published Cochrane Review then please complete this important survey.

Cochrane aspires to have an excellent author experience made up of efficient editorial processes, high quality learning and leading technology. We have invested significantly in all of these areas in recent years, but we know there is still more work to be done, so we want to know what our authors think of the author experience we are creating and where the priorities should be for further development.

The results of this survey will help us to prioritise our future work and they will also influence Cochrane's organisational strategy beyond 2020.

We believe that honest feedback is important to help improve the experience for all Cochrane authors, so your name will not be collected.

Author survey


If you are a published Cochrane Author, please take 15 minutes to complete the survey by Friday 12 July.

We will review the answers and report back at the upcoming 2019 Cochrane Colloquium and through our other author communication channels.

Thank you for your time!

Karla Soares-Weiser
Editor in Chief, Cochrane Library

Chris Champion
Head of Membership, Learning and Support Services


3 June 2019

Farewell Message from David Tovey

Farewell Message from David Tovey

This Friday (31st May, 2019) will mark my final day as your Editor in Chief. I want to express my gratitude to you all for your forbearance, support, challenge and friendship over these past 10 years. Believe me when I say that having the privilege of serving you all has been the highlight of my working life. Life has never been easy, but I have learned such a great deal from you, had experiences I couldn’t have imagined, and found myself stretched (in a good way) every day.

I wish you all, and Cochrane, every success in the coming years, and hope to continue to contribute in different ways. I leave you in the excellent hands of Karla Soares-Weiser who has been a fantastic deputy and will be an even better leader. She will be fully supported by the other members of the Editorial and Methods team, who have all at various times provided me with inspiration, rescued me from danger and have simply been a joy to lead.

I have been lucky to have had the support of some wise and inspiring Co-Chairs, Steering Groups and the Governing Board. I owe particular thanks to Cochrane’s Chief Executive Officers, Nick Royle and Mark Wilson, my colleagues on the Senior Management Team, and the wider Central Executive Teams. I have enjoyed working with the various representative groups across the Editorial and Methods communities, and the new Editorial Board and Scientific Committee. The members of the Cochrane Library Oversight Committee have quietly provided guidance and wise counsel.

I want to finish by repeating my debt to all those of you who toil at Cochrane’s coalface as authors, editors, peer reviewers, information specialists and so on. If Cochrane handed out 200 Chris Silagy prizes every year, it would still not be possible to reward all of those who have earned it. You are the true heart of Cochrane, and I will join your number now with pride.

David Tovey



30 May 2019
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