We have just launched Cochrane’s free, online learning modules, Cochrane Evidence Essentials. This interactive learning is freely available to anyone who is interested in an introduction to Evidence Based Medicine, Cochrane evidence, and how to use it. Here Richard Morley, Cochrane’s Consumer Engagement Officer, shares how Centres, Review Groups, and Fields can make the most of this new resource.
Today Cochrane launched Cochrane Evidence Essentials. Written from the perspective of a healthcare consumer and co-created with patients and carers, this learning resource is perfectly pitched to give anyone an introduction to Evidence Based Medicine and Systematic Review. It will be especially valuable to the growing community of patients, carers and family members who work alongside researchers to co-create Cochrane evidence.
The journey through the learning is guided by “Eleni” a fictional character, who is looking for reliable evidence to help her make informed choices. By following Eleni’s story, users can explore topics that include Evidence Based Medicine, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and how to find, understand and use Cochrane evidence. The learning is engaging and includes contributions from a wide range of subject matter experts, quizzes, short films, audio, interviews, interactive graphics, and links to further information for people who wish to learn more.
How can your Cochrane Group use this resource?
I know how hard it can be to find good resources that introduce people to the unfamiliar concepts around Evidence Based Medicine and Systematic Reviews. I think this will be a key resource for both consumers, students, and internally to those new at Cochrane. I can think of many ways Cochrane groups can use this resource…but here are my top five!
1. Post the news item on your website
We have an announcement of the launch posted on the main Cochrane.og website – you are welcome to share this on your own Cochrane Group website!
2. Share on social media
Help us share the good news of this great free resource! To make things easier we have created graphics for you to use (Instagram size too!) and have suggested tweets you can copy-and-paste to your account. It’s here in the Dropbox for you to schedule some in.
3. Incorporate it into new staff training
Evidence Essentials goes over the basics of systematic reviews but it also introduces Cochrane and it’s history. It can make an excellent introduction to Cochrane for your new staff. Consider adding this material to the items that new staff go through in their first week of orientation to help give them a good start!
4. Use it in teaching about EBM and Systematic Review
Many people at Cochrane are based at Universities and many Centres run local courses about Cochrane Systematic Reviews and other related topics. You can consider adding this into your teaching or providing a link to it as a ‘recommended resource’.
5. Share with your funders
This resource is excellent for adding to your annual reports and messaging to your funder – ask them to list it as a learning resource on their website!
I hope this gives you some ideas about how your group can use these online modules. We're pleased to hear your thoughts about the new material - we're still working on tweaking it and will be looking at translating it in the future. If you have any questions, comments or feedback about the content, please contact us at support@cochrane.org
Richard Morley
Cochrane’s Consumer Engagement Officer