We are pleased to announce that the second funding round of a one-year pilot of the Cochrane Review Support Programme is now open.
Key features of the programme:
- All Cochrane Review Groups may apply for the awards.
- Groups may nominate no more than two titles – either new reviews or review updates – from the November 2015 revision of the Cochrane Priority Review List. Titles added to the list after Nov 2015 cannot be proposed for this funding round.
- 10 grants of £5,000 each will be awarded
- We will aim to decide the list of successful reviews and to have notified the applicants by mid-June 2016
- Reviews must be published a maximum of 13 months after the awards are notified
Cochrane recognizes that these awards are insufficient to meet the full costs of conducting reviews; rather, they are intended to facilitate and possibly accelerate publication of high priority reviews that are already planned or underway.
Applications close at 5pm GMT, Friday 6 May 2016. An application form can be found on the Cochrane Review Support Programme page on the CEU website.
7 March 2016