Below is a list of the confirmed Cochrane business meetings that will be held at the Global Evidence Summit, in September.
Wednesday 13 September 2017
- Cochrane Translations Advisory Group meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Thomas Chalmers Award Committee meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Cochrane Finance and Audit Committee meeting (restricted) - 12:30-13:45
- Cochrane handbook meeting (restricted) - 12:30-13:45
Thursday 14 September 2017
- Cochrane Centre Directors Board meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Cochrane Managing Editors community meeting (restricted) - 7:00-8:45
- Cochrane Methods Executive meeting (restricted) - 12:30-13:45
- Cochrane Annual General Meeting (part 1): Community session - 18:00-19:00
- Cochrane Annual General Meeting (part 2) - 19:00-20:00
Friday 15 September 2017
- Cochrane Fields Executive meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Cochrane Information Specialists community meeting (restricted) - 7:00-8:45
- Thomas Chalmers Award Committee meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
Saturday 16 September 2017
- Cochrane Consumer Executive meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Cochrane Knowledge Translation meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Cochrane Methods Board meeting (restricted) - 7:30-8:45
- Thomas Chalmers Award Committee meeting (restricted) - 12:30-13:45
- Cochrane ME Exec & IS Exec: Structure & Function meeting (restricted) - 12:30-13:45
Meeting space at the Summit is limited, as slots are shared with our partners. Any other Cochrane business meetings will need to happen at the Cochrane Governance Meetings or outside of this year’s Global Evidence Summit.
You can find a list of all Summit partner meetings, here. You will be able to sign-up for sessions from the 18 August.
4 August 2017