Call for 'Expressions of Interest' to Join the Cochrane India Network now open

Cochrane India

Cochrane’s work in India has been capably led for many years by the Cochrane South Asia Centre, based at the Prof Bhoosham V Moses Centre for Evidence- Informed Healthcare and Health Policy at Christian Medical College, Vellore. Following the closure of Cochrane South Asia in 2019, we have an opportunity to launch a new chapter in Cochrane’s activities in India by establishing a new, open, collaborative Network.

A consultative meeting was held in Delhi in February 2020, involving institutions and people that are actively involved in evidence-informed health care in India. The meeting participants identified opportunities and challenges for Cochrane in India, and agreed that the development of an India wide Network would indeed be a good way forward to strengthen evidence-informed health care and decision making in India. Participants emphasised the need for the Network to be open and inclusive and truly collaborative. The overall themes emerging and relevant to address through a Cochrane India Network evolved around knowledge translation and training. In addition, participants mentioned the opportunity for holding Network events – meetings, awareness raising events or trainings.

The aim of this current Call for Expressions of Interest is to invite India based institutions to indicate their interest to join the Cochrane India Network as a Cochrane Affiliate. This will be a two-step process:

  1. Submitting an expression of interest (this current open call);
  2. Following review of the expressions of interest received and on invitation: Preparing a full application and strategic plan outlining the detailed contribution of an institution to the Cochrane India Network.



11 March 2020