The Council bids farewell to Miranda Langendam and Craig Lockwood, who have served as Co-Chairs for the past three years as well as representing Methods Groups and Fields respectively.
Their fellow Council members, as well as the Governing Board, thank them for their outstanding contributions and excellent leadership of the Council. They will be missed!
Robert Dellavalle and Stefano Negrini have been elected by the Council’s members to take over as Co-Chairs.
Robert is joint Co-ordinating Editor of Cochrane Skin and leads the Dermatology Service of the Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Centre. He has been a Council member since 2019 representing Co-ordinating Editors. Robert is based in Denver, USA. Stefano is the Director of Cochrane Rehabilitation Field, and an author for Cochrane Back & Neck and Cochrane Stroke. He has been a Council member since 2019 representing Fields. He is based in Brescia, Italy.
The Council also welcomes Silvia Minozzi, replacing Miranda as Methods representative on the Council. Silvia has been a quality advisor since 2004 and a Methods Editor of Cochrane Drugs & Alcohol since 2015. Silvia is based in Rome.
The full list of Council members can be found here.