Cochrane’s first open access journal, Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods, recently opened for submissions! See our announcement for full details.
Why is Cochrane launching a new journal? And why now? We’re discussing Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods in relation to Cochrane’s four key values: Collaboration, relevance, integrity, and quality.
Today is Integrity.
Integrity includes ensuring independence and transparency.
As a Cochrane journal, Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods abides by Cochrane’s conflict of interest policy. This policy is stricter than most other journals and not only requires study funding and author interests to be declared at the earliest point possible, but also mandates that some funding and conflicts of interest will prevent people from being authors.
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods expects data sharing, with a transparent statement on the availability of the data in the submission, along with a citation if possible. It is also part of the Open Research Badges program, whereby authors can clearly indicate on their publications whether their data and materials are open and available to other researchers, and whether their study was preregistered.
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods will be part of Wiley’s transparent peer review pilot, which means the peer reviewer reports, authors’ responses, and the editor’s decision letter will be linked from the published article to where they appear on Publons (if accepted). Authors do have the choice to opt-out, if they prefer, and peer reviewers can choose to sign their reports or remain anonymous.
Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods has a strong commitment to open science and high research integrity, which helps move science forward with trust and credibility.
Please join us on 9 March 2023 for a webinar with Michael Brown, Editor of Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods.

For more information on Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods:
- See the journal website with details on how to submit
- Announcement of a new open-access journal for Cochrane: Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods
- Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods: Adding to our collaboration
- Cochrane Evidence Synthesis and Methods: Adding to our relevance