January 16th and 17th - Twenty-eight people from across Cochrane (and the world) gathered together in London, UK to attend a 2-day intensive training on how to apply Cochrane’s new dissemination checklist in practice. Led by Claire Glenton and Sarah Rosenbaum from Cochrane Norway, participants learned how to improve their dissemination products and what steps they can take in their work to maximize the impact of sharing Cochrane evidence.
Participants learned a number of new skills – from how to write in plain language, to how to avoid giving recommendations in dissemination products. From how to interpret GRADE and Summary of Findings tables and their implications on creating dissemination products, to how to involve target audiences in the dissemination of Cochrane reviews. There was ample time for feedback and group discussion on the barriers and facilitators to doing dissemination and to applying this checklist in practice. All of this feedback will inform how the Cochrane KT department delivers the next cohort of training, and what additional resources and trainings we provide to the Cochrane community.
The diverse group of people who made up the first cohort of this training all have a large part to play in disseminating the results of Cochrane systematic reviews to their communities. They came from Fields, Networks Cochrane Review Groups, Geographic Groups, and the Central Executive team. A large portion of the training included discussion on how this first cohort could support others to apply the checklist in practice, through sharing what they learned from attending this training.
The training also offered a valuable opportunity for this geographically dispersed group to come together to form and strengthen relationships between one another, to share their knowledge and work with one another. These connections create a synergy that will fuel further dissemination efforts – peer-to-peer learning, not duplicating efforts, and offering possibilities for new ways for us to work together at Cochrane.
- For more information on this training, please contact Stephanie Lagosky at slagosky@cochrane.org
- Learn more about the dissemination checklist