Candidates with experience in digital product development, business development, or publishing are encouraged to apply
Cochrane is a diverse, global organization committed to informing healthcare decisions with the best available evidence from research. Organizationally, we are an international network of autonomously funded groups and a registered charity in the United Kingdom. Members of the Governing Board come from around the world and provide strategic leadership for the whole organization, as well as acting as Trustees of the UK charity.
Governing Board members work as a team, with complementary skills and backgrounds. They are a mix of elected members - who must be Cochrane Members - and appointed members, who bring an external perspective to the Board. Appointed members can be anyone with the relevant skills and experience and will not normally be Cochrane Members.
To replace current Board members retiring this year, we’re looking for two new appointed members with experience and expertise in one or more of the following areas:
- Digital product development
- Fundraising and business development
- Publishing and Open Access
The Board is running a separate appointments process for a new Treasurer. If you have expertise in accounting or financial management, particularly in a UK context, you should consider applying for the role of Treasurer instead. More information is available here.
This is an exciting opportunity to join the board of an internationally renowned healthcare organization as we embark on a program of substantial change in how we are organized as a global collaboration, and seek to complete our transition to become a fully Open Access source of health evidence.
Appointed members serve an initial three-year term and may be reappointed. Board membership is a voluntary, unpaid role, although expenses will be paid.
The deadline for applications is 15 July 2022. To find out how to stand for appointment, please visit elections.cochrane.org.