CRG Networks Strategic Session - Krakow, April 2019

CRG Networks Strategic Session

Cochrane 2019 Governance Meetings, Krakow, Poland
Tuesday 2 April 26, 2019

Cochrane Review Group (CRG) Networks strategic session

This interactive session was planned to present the strategic developments of CRG Networks and to support wider engagement with the Cochrane community by providing a place for transparent discussion between groups in the community and the CRG Networks.

The session was moderated by Karla Soares-Weiser (Deputy Editor in Chief) and Sally Green (Co-Director of Cochrane Australia and Governing Board member) with a panel of Senior Editors introducing the Networks and their two-year strategic plans. This was followed by a Q&A from the community members. The Q&A focused on the following areas: priority setting, advocacy, KT, implementation of new methods, sharing experience, and capacity development.

CRG Network Photos


We hope you will enjoy watching this session and look forward to hear your thoughts…

Our best wishes,

Cochrane's CRG Network Senior Editors:

Lisa BeroPublic Health and Health Services Network
Robert BoyleChildren and Families Network
Michael BrownAcute and Critical Care Network and Circulation & Breathing Network
Chris EcclestonMental Health and Neurosciences Network
Cindy FarquharAbdomen and Endocrine Network
Nicole Skoetz Cancer Network
Peter TugwellMusculoskeletal, Oral, Skin and Sensory Network

26 April 2019