Fringe event for students and trainees - 15 Sept 2018

Fringe event for students and trainees

The day before the Cochrane Colloquium, Saturday 15th September 2018, Cochrane UK will be hosting a ‘Fringe Event’ for trainees (of any speciality) and students (of any discipline) interested in evidence-based healthcare. It will take place at the Edinburgh International Convention Centre, from 9:30am – 5:00pm.

The day will comprise a mixture of interactive workshops as well as inspirational talks from renowned speakers. The aim is to enthuse, entertain and inform trainees and students about key issues and challenges in the production and application of evidence.

Attendees will learn more about the work of Cochrane and be challenged to think critically about key issues in the world of evidence-based healthcare, such as shared-decision making, patient and carer involvement in research, and how to apply evidence in everyday practice.

Speakers include: 

Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance. Lunch and refreshments will be provided and there will be a networking event in a local pub following on from the event.

To register, please visit:

Student rate: £45 (inc. 20% VAT); Trainee rate: £90 (inc. 20% VAT).

Registration closes: 17 August 2018.

Students and trainees are invited to submit posters for the event. There is also a competition with a prize of free registration for the event. For more information, please visit:

12 June 2018