Guidance for the re-accreditation process for Cochrane Review Groups

Guidance for the re-accreditation process for Cochrane Review Groups

Following its meeting in Cape Town in September 2017, Cochrane’s Governing Board approved the Structure & Function of Cochrane Review Groups: Implementation of the Networks and Editorial Board Plan.

As part of this plan, every CRG will need to be re-accredited every five years in order to continue as a Cochrane Group. To support this process, the Structure and Function Project Team has developed guidance to support Groups through re-accreditation: Guidance for the re-accreditation process for Cochrane Review Groups.

Cochrane’s Editor in Chief, David Tovey, and Deputy Editor in Chief, Karla Soares-Weiser, recently hosted a community webinar providing CRG staff with further information regarding this process. If you were unable to attend, please watch a recording of the webinar on Wednesday 29th November. 

Should you have further questions, please send your inquiry to



5 December 2017