Nominations requested for the selection panel for the Scientific Committee

Nominations requested for the selection panel for the Scientific Committee

Final call: submissions due Friday 20 May 23:59 BST

Cochrane’s Board of Trustees agreed to the setup of a Scientific Committee for the purpose of providing independent authoritative guidance for the methods Cochrane should use in its reviews.

A selection panel will identify the first committee members. We seek representation from Co-ordinating Editors (one member of the Executive and one wider Board member), Methods Convenors (one member of the Executive and one wider Board member), also one representative from the other Cochrane groups: Fields, Centres and Consumers, and one representative of the ME and Information Specialist community on this panel. The full panel will comprise: David Tovey (Editor in Chief), current Cochrane Board representative Holger Schünemann and an independent representative, along with the 6 internal group members.

This is a time limited panel to agree a call for Scientific Committee nominations and to consider actively approaching specific individuals outside Cochrane (by invitation) to produce a balanced and well-functioning committee.

Deadline for nominations to the panel: 20th May. The Co-Eds and Methods Executive should each nominate one member, and the other Executives are also invited to nominate an individual for consideration. For the representatives of the Methods and Co-Eds Board, individuals are invited to nominate themselves or colleagues (with prior consent). For each application, candidates should provide a short summary (less than 500 words) of their relevant expertise and experience to assist them in making the independent and impartial judgements required, along with basic information on languages spoken and geographical location. 

David Tovey and Holger Schünemann will make the final selections from the individuals who put themselves forward, bearing in mind the need for broad expertise, and also geographical, linguistic and gender diversity. 

Please submit your nominations to Jackie Chandler by the deadline *Friday 20th May 23:59 BST*

16 May 2016