Provide feedback on the Plain Language Summaries of Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy reviews

Provide feedback on the plain language summary of diagnostic test accuracy reviews

We are investigating ways to improve the Plain Language Summaries (PLS) of Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews. We’re looking for a wide range of potential users to look at a sample of a DTA PLS and provide some feedback on its structure and how easy it is to understand. Editors, authors, and consumers from all Cochrane Groups are encouraged to take 15 to 30 minutes to share their input before 20 July.

Take the DTA PLS survey

Your responses to the questions in this survey will help to develop guidance for people writing PLSs, which will be refined over several rounds of the surveys. If you choose to leave your contact details, you may be invited to participate in a later round of the survey. We will report end results at the 2016 Cochrane Colloquium in Seoul and incorporate into Cochrane DTA review guidance training materials.

For more information, please contact Penny Whiting.

27 June 2016