Following consultations with all Cochrane Reviews Groups (CRGs) within the network, the ‘Long-Term Conditions and Ageing 2’ Network are pleased to announce that they have changed their name to the ‘Musculoskeletal, Oral Skin and Sensory’ (MOSS) Network.
This consultation process started with a face-to-face network meeting in September 2019 at the colloquium in Edinburgh, where various alternatives to ‘Long-Term Conditions and Ageing 2’ were suggested and noted within the minutes of the meeting.
Following this a short survey was circulated in October for three weeks, listing the suggestions where members ranked the options from 1 (favourite) to 5 (least favourite), with reminders for participation sent to ensure the views of all members.
By November, the most popular name emerged as ‘Skin, Sensory and Musculoskeletal’ though it was noted that it and other suggestions did not reflect all included CRGs. The Network team therefore deliberated and added ‘oral’ and rearranged the name to ‘Musculoskeletal, Oral, Skin and Sensory’ to create the acronym ‘MOSS’ which was again circulated to all members of the network and adopted on the 30th of November 2019.