We are pleased to announce the new one-stop support portal for Cochrane Help and Support Services.
The Cochrane Help and Support Centre is an online portal that allows you to search for answers to common queries about Cochrane's work. If you don't find what you are looking for, you can open a support ticket to be dealt with by the different support teams, including Community Support (for all general queries), ME Support (for Managing Editors), CIS Support (for Information Specialists) and the RevMan Web development team.
The Help and Support Centre opened at the end of February 2019. In the first month, over 500 tickets were dealt with by Cochrane staff from 360 unique users. For the General Community Support Tickets, 41 people have responded to a customer satisfaction survey with 88% (36 people) responding; 'My query was fully and promptly answered'.

For ease of access, you can reach the portal through the 'Help' tab in the top navigation bar of the Community website.
Please let us know if you have any suggestions for articles to be included in the Knowledge Base, or if you have any other feedback on the service by emailing us at support@cochrane.org