Cochrane Community adapts to their new working situations – see the pictures!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many in the Cochrane community have moved to remote and flexible working. Here they share pictures of their new work situations.
Cochrane is a formidable global community of supporters and members, and now, more than ever, our values of connection, community and collaboration hold us together. We have set-up Slack for our core community, an online collaboration and chat platform, to encourage communication between members. We are also communicating all COVID-19 news on one central page on that will be updated daily.
We hope that you will check-in with each other and we welcome you to share pictures of your current situation. Please email Rachel Klabunde to contribute. We hope you enjoy this lighthearted community news item!
Members of Cochrane Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancers celebrate the Christmas holiday over Zoom, with festive baubles and a box each member received. Maureen Smith, Chair of Cochrane’s Consumer Network Executive, doesn’t let living in a small motorhome on the shores of the St-Lawrence Seaway in Canada for this summer deter her from volunteering for Cochrane.Members of the Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancer Group share their work from home set ups, pets included!Gail Quinn and Clare Jess, Managing Editors for the Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancer Group, have spent today working on the EMS survey in Clare’s garden. Coffee and cake helped! ?Anne-Marie Stephanie, from Cochrane's Central Executive Team, has an obstacle between her computer and notes while working from home.Patricia Ventura in Brasil searches for high-quality evidence on while sipping her coffee. Ana Pizarro, a nursing student, enjoys a lovely view while working from a beach house in Colombia.Federico Drago, who participated in Cochrane Italy's 2019 Cochrane Summer School, uses time at home to learn more about producing high quality systematic reviews. Álina Carvalho Pedrosa Santos recently attended a systematic review workshop put on by Cochrane Brasil. It is a great time to learn more about systematic reviews at home, she says.Search and stay home! Camila Belo, Information Specialist, librarian and Bibliohealth digital creator, working from home studying COVID strategies for a collaboration with BIREME/OPAS.Raquel Escabias Aceituno enjoying her sunny work from home view in Spain.Julián Balanta Melo uses his work from home time in Colombia to complete the Cochrane Interactive Learning course. Doug Salzwedel, IS and Assistant ME for Cochrane Hypertension, has his work from home desk set up in his apartment living room, with this beautiful view!Husband and wife researchers Sumanth Kumbargere and Prashanti Eachempati work on Cochrane Oral Health reviews from their home office. Jo Abbott, Information Specialist for Cochrane PaPaS, has no excuse not to get her 5 fruits a day with this work from home setup!Jorien Laermans retrieves the most reliable evidence concerning COVID-19 from The Cochrane Special Collections at her work from home set up. Vanessa Jordan from Cochrane New Zealand shares her work from home setup.Tracey Howe, Director of Cochrane-Campbell Global Ageing, makes the most of her work from home situation with her dog and a sunny outlook in Glasgow!Catherine Marshall, Co-Chair of Cochrane's Governing Board, has a beautiful, forested New Zealand view out of her window while working from home. Melissa Murano, from Cochrane Australia, has a work from home setup that is not new -- she has been working from home for the past 15 years!Sarah Chapman of Cochrane UK enjoys working from home with Frankie, Assistant Editor of Evidently CochraneKayleigh Kew, Senior Methods Editor, is hard at work at her desk working on Rapid Reviews in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Katie Abbotts, Cochrane's External Communications and Media Officer, says of her work from home set-up, "I can see magpies, blue tits and robins on the trees above my head through that skylight."Network Support Fellow Audrey Tan's DIY work from home standing desk gives her a view of spring tulips and sunshine.Rachel Riera from Cochrane Brazil works in RevMan alongside her children's masterpiece artwork!Gavin Stewart, PaPaS Statistics Editor, works from home under the axe, with dog keeping him company on mug and coaster.John Hilton, Senior Editor of the Cochrane Library, has moved his office into a spare room. Rohan, PhD student and Health Services Researcher, is using Cochrane Central to make sure he the latest evidence-based research.Jane Burch, Editor of Cochrane Clinical Answers is kept company by her cat.Ella Flemyng, Methods Implementation Coordinator, is set up at the kitchen table. Miranda Cumpston, Cochrane Public Health Editor, is enjoying her flat white coffee from her home office. Muriah Umoquit, Communications and Analytics Officer, enjoys daily live music performances. Jordi Pardo, Co-managing editor of Cochrane Musculoskeletal, always has Archie and Slack open!Anne Erskine, Managing Editor of PaPaS, takes full advantage of getting some work in while her child naps. Please email Rachel Klabunde to contribute