Maja Boban recently used TaskExchange to get some help with her Cochrane review, and we thought you might like to hear how it worked out.
Maja is a psychologist and a Senior Advisor in HTA at the Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare in Croatia. Hi Maja!
Maja was working on a review of multimedia-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for depression in adults. Pretty interesting and important topic. But Maja only had one co-author on the review, and needed more team members.
Looking for help, Maja contacted the Common Mental Disorders Group and asked if they could recommend anyone to join her team. They suggested she post her request on TaskExchange.
Brilliant plan, Common Mental Disorders Group, kudos to you!
So Maja did. She posted a task that beautifullly described her review and the kind of help she needed. She said she was looking for people with expertise in psychiatry and psychology to join her team and she was happy to make them co-authors on the review.
Then things got interesting.
Maja says in just a “few weeks 3 persons (from USA, India and Greece) contacted me and now we have a great (multidisciplinary and multicultural) team for our review”.
How awesome is that? Answer: very.
And that’s how TaskExchange works. You describe the help you need, and kind, smart people offer to help you out.
So thanks Maja for sharing your story, and good luck to you and your new team. We look forward to seeing your review!
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Send us your stories of using TaskExchange and suggestions about how we can make TaskExchange better meet your needs. It’s all about you, folks. And the reviews, oh yes, the reviews.
Tari Turner
on behalf of the TaskExchange team
Support for Project Transform was provided by Cochrane and the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (APP1114605). The contents of the published material are solely the responsibility of the Administering Institution, a Participating Institution or individual authors and do not reflect the views of the NHMRC.