Looking for help on your systematic review?
TaskExchange is an online platform that connects people needing help with their systematic review with people who have the time and skills to help.
If you’d like assistance with your review, in addition to talking to your author team members and Managing Editor, browse TaskExchange to find a helper, or post a task and watch the offers of assistance roll in!
Task poster Melina Willson, Managing Editor, Cochrane Breast Cancer Review Group located at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, University of Sydney, says:
“We used TaskExchange late last year and had a quick and positive response. Four articles were translated within a week for one of our Cochrane reviews on breast reconstruction. TaskExchange is a great platform to speed up what could otherwise be a laborious process of finding people to help on a review.”
TaskExchange can be used to find help for almost any systematic review task, including literature searching, article screening and translation, data extraction, statistical support, and consumer reviews. Helpers are usually acknowledged in the published review.
To get started with TaskExchange, sign up and browse members or post a task.
You can follow TaskExchange on Twitter to keep up with the latest news, and email taskexchange@cochrane.org for further information.