Cochrane defines Knowledge Translation as the process of supporting the use of health evidence from our high quality, trusted Cochrane systematic reviews by those who need it to make health decisions.
Cochrane’s Knowledge Translation is aimed at all contributors working across a wide range of Cochrane’s work; including:
- Prioritizing the most important topics for Cochrane Reviews.
- Working with stakeholders to help identify priority review topics, and to help develop and disseminate Cochrane evidence.
- Working with Cochrane’s key audiences to help them understand and make the best use of Cochrane evidence.
- Producing Cochrane evidence in different formats such as blogshots, podcasts or videos, to help the target audience be able to use it more easily.
- Translating Cochrane evidence into other languages.
- Developing or translating resources into other languages.
- Sharing Cochrane evidence on social media, by publishing in journals or with the media.
- Building partnerships with stakeholders to support the uptake of Cochrane evidence in their setting.
In order to develop and build on existing work and to encourage sharing of good practice, Cochrane has developed a Knowledge Translation Framework. Implementing this Framework will help us work towards ensuring the right Reviews are produced, in the right format and for the right audiences.
If you have any questions regarding Knowledge Translation in Cochrane, contact support@cochrane.org