Cochrane’s status as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) was renewed at WHO’s Executive Board meeting in January 2019.
Cochrane’s official relation status gives us the right to appoint a representative to participate, without vote, in WHO’s meetings – including at the World Health Assembly, WHO’s decision-making body – allowing us to make expository statements on WHO health resolutions.
Our plan of work for the next three years focuses on providing WHO with evidence syntheses that will help inform guidelines, the essential medicines list and other technical guidance. In addition, we will offer methodological assistance, training on how to interpret evidence syntheses, and support activities that facilitate the use of evidence in policymaking at country, regional and global levels.
The ongoing partnership with WHO is underpinned by the enthusiasm and hard work of members of the Cochrane community – so a big thank you to everyone who has engaged in these activities.
Recent highlights from the Cochrane–WHO partnership
• Eleven Cochrane Reviews inform a WHO guideline on digital healthcare guideline
• Cochrane at the WHO: EVIPNet and the European Advisory Committee on Health Research
• Cochrane at the WHO: Department of Reproductive Health and Research’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Group
• Cochrane at the WHO: Identifying and charting the impact of Cochrane evidence
• Collaborating with WHO for evidence-informed nutrition guidelines
• Cochrane Evidence used in new WHO guideline on intrapartum care for a positive birth experience
• Cochrane and WHO meet to discuss how to improve their long-standing partnership
Do you work with WHO?
We would also like to know about your engagements with WHO – in meetings, expert groups, or other projects – allowing us to build on all existing connections and make the most of this strategic partnership.
Please get in touch with Emma Thompson, Advocacy and Partnership Officer at Cochrane, about your work with WHO so that we can help publicise these activities.