In this Cochrane Community Blog, the Cochrane Knowledge Translation Department discusses the idea behind the ‘Cochrane COVID case stories’, how they were developed and what they hope for the future.
A great deal of work has been completed by Cochrane in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the work involved in developing Cochrane Reviews and publishing them in the Cochrane Library, Cochrane Groups were successful in providing support for decision makers in other ways. Groups used new and novel ways to meet the evidence needs of those making health decisions, or those working with them. This resulted in a wide range of Cochrane activities from all types of Cochrane Groups, which have supported, and continues to support, end-users in finding, accessing and using available evidence. These activities highlight the collaboration both within and beyond Cochrane, and across the world.
How are we sharing this work?
The Editorial & Methods and Knowledge Translation Departments were keen to find ways to showcase this work in order to demonstrate and celebrate the breadth and quality of the work of the global Cochrane community. We did this in two ways:
Cochrane’s editorial Supplement: which provides summaries of work submitted from people across the Cochrane community. This Supplement is published in the Cochrane Library so others can find out about this work.

Case stories: are short, user friendly, summaries that outline the work that has been completed. It gives the groups an opportunity to share what they have done, who they have collaborated with, and their learnings from the process. The case stories can be translated and shared with audiences and funders, to show the value of working with Cochrane.
How did we collect case stories?
Respondents from the Cochrane Group survey (completed in the summer) indicated if their group would be interested in showcasing their work. Other stories were adapted from the articles to the editorial Supplement. In both cases, we worked closely with groups to develop the case stories, listen to their work and put together something to provide to their audiences.
Although these stories are brought together in this collection, the individual stories are owned by the Cochrane Groups and can be used and shared as they feel appropriate. We hope that you will read the case stories and get in contact with the groups if you want to find out more!
Do you want to develop a case story for your group?
If you think a case story might be an effective way to share your COVID-19 work with your stakeholders, please contact the Knowledge Translation Department (slagosky@cochrane.org). We can provide a template that you can work with and provide some advice on the final document.