Cochrane Style Manual
Other reference types

In this section: Personal communication: email message; letter; other (e.g. conversation) | Unpublished data | Figure, table or appendix in a journal article | Study listed in a trial register | Ongoing study (not listed in trial register) | Scientific or technical report | Supplementary materials | Epub ahead of print | Preprint

  • When writing the URL, always include the preceding 'http://' or 'https://'.

Personal communication: email message

Example: Smith A. Allocation concealment used in our trial [personal communication]. Email to: C Keystone 27 November 2009.

Reference IDSmith 2009 [pers comm]
Reference typeOther

Smith A

Author of the email

English title

Allocation concealment used in our trial [personal communication]

Email subject line


Email to: C Keystone

Email recipient

Date of publication

27 November 2009

Date email sent

Personal communication: letter

Example: Smith A. (Vaccine Research Group, London, UK) [personal communication]. Letter to: C Keystone (Vaccine Review Study Team, London, UK) 27 November 2009.

Reference IDSmith 2009 [pers comm]
Reference typeOther

Smith A. (Vaccine Research Group, London, UK)

Letter author (letter author's affiliation)

English title[personal communication]

Letter to: C Keystone (Vaccine Review Study Team, London, UK)

Letter recipient (letter recipient's affiliation)

Date of publication

27 November 2009

Date letter sent


Located at: [insert archive name and address]

Complete this section if the letter is available in a public archive

Personal communication: other communication (e.g. conversation)

Example: Smith A. (Vaccine Research Group, London, UK). [personal communication]. Conversation with: C Keystone (Vaccine Review Study Team, London, UK) 27 November 2009.

Reference IDSmith 2009 [pers comm]
Reference typeOther

Smith A. (Vaccine Research Group, London, UK)

Person contacted for conversation (person's affiliation)

English title[personal communication]

Conversation with: C Keystone (Vaccine Review Study Team, London, UK)

Person who initiated conversation or citing conversation (person's affiliation)

Date of publication

27 November 2009

Date conversation held


Unpublished data


Example: UK/Asia trialists. Individual patient data (as supplied 1 April 1995). Data on file.

Reference typeUnpublished data
AuthorsUK/Asia trialists
English titleIndividual patient data (as supplied 1 April 1995)
Journal/book/sourceData on file

Figure, table or appendix in a journal article

Use this format when referencing a figure, table or appendix within a journal article, or when reproducing such material in a Cochrane Review.

Example: Osrin D, Vaidya A, Shrestha Y, Baniya RB, Manandhar DS, Adhikari RK, et al. Effects of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation on birthweight and gestational duration in Nepal: double-blind, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2005;365(9463):955-62. Figure, Trial profile; p. 958.

Reference typeOther
AuthorsOsrin D, Vaidya A, Shrestha Y, Baniya RB, Manandhar DS, Adhikari RK, et al
English titleEffects of antenatal multiple micronutrient supplementation on birthweight and gestational duration in Nepal: double-blind, randomised controlled trial
Date of publication2005
Pages955-62. Figure, Trial profile; p. 958

Study listed in a trial register

Example: NCT00119132. Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in children [Study of impact of intermittent preventive treatment in children with amodiaquine plus artesunate versus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine on hemoglobin levels and malaria morbidity in Hohoe District of Ghana]. (first received 10 August 2005).

Reference typeOther
Study ID


Trial registration number



Trial registration number

English title

Effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in children

Use ‘Brief title’ or ‘Public title’ of trial as given in register (in sentence case)

Original title

Study of impact of intermittent preventive treatment in children with amodiaquine plus artesunate versus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine on hemoglobin levels and malaria morbidity in Hohoe District of Ghana

Use any other title that may be included in the register (in sentence case)


Website address showing trial registration form

Date of publication

(first posted 10 August 2005)

Date the study record was first posted to or registered with the trials register (if possible, use the wording used by the trials register).

Ongoing study (not in trial register or journal)

Example: Der Hoeven EJRJ, Schonewille WJ, Vos JA. BASilar artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS) trial. (accessed 1 June 2016).

Reference typeOther
Study ID

Der Hoeven ongoing

Contact person’s family name plus word 'ongoing'


Der Hoeven EJRJ, Schonewille WJ, Vos JA.

Listed contact people

English title

Basilar artery international cooperation study (BASICS) trial

Main title of trial as given in document (in sentence case)

Original title 

Description of source where ongoing study located (e.g. website address)

Date of publication

(accessed 1 June 2016)

Date above website accessed, given in brackets

Scientific or technical report

Example: Akutsu T. Total heart replacement device. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Heart and Lung Institute; 1974 April. Report No.: NIH NHLI 69 2185 4.

Reference typeOther
AuthorsAkutsu T
English titleTotal heart replacement device
Journal/book/sourceBethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, National Heart and Lung Institute; 1974 April. Report No.: NIH-NHLI-69-2185-4

Supplementary materials

Supplementary materials could refer to data or other resources that are published as part of an article (so would have the same authors, date, and underlying source, but would be designated as supplementary material) or could refer to accompanying or linked materials (with different authors, title, date, etc). Therefore, when citing supplementary materials consider whether the materials are presented as part of the main article or as work that has been published independently from the main article.

For supplementary materials that are part of an article, cite the article as usual, but add the section name/number and title of the supplementary materials to the end of the reference. For further guidance and examples, refer to Citing Medicine: examples of citations to parts of journal articles.

For supplementary materials that are independent of the article, locate the primary source for the supplementary material and cite according to the reference type.

Electronic publication ahead of print

Example: Feldman RD, Zou GY, Vandervoort MK, Wong CJ, Nelson SA, Feagan BG. A simplified approach to the treatment of uncomplicated hypertension. A cluster randomized, controlled trial. Hypertension 2009 Feb 23 [Epub ahead of print]. [DOI:]

Reference typeOther
AuthorsFeldman RD, Zou GY, Vandervoort MK, Wong CJ, Nelson SA, Feagan BG
English titleA simplified approach to the treatment of uncomplicated hypertension. A cluster randomized, controlled trial.
Original title 
Date of publication2009 Feb 23 [Epub ahead of print]
Identifier: DOI

Note: it is highly desirable to have a DOI for e-publications.


Example: Blanchard AC, Desforges M, Labbé AC, Nguyen CT, Petit Y, Besner D, et al. Evaluation of real-life use of Point-of-Care Rapid Antigen TEsting for SARS-CoV-2 in schools (EPOCRATES). MedRxiv 2022 [Preprint]. [DOI:]

Reference typeOther
AuthorsBlanchard AC, Desforges M, Labbé AC, Nguyen CT, Petit Y, Besner D, et al
English titleEvaluation of real-life use of Point-of-Care Rapid Antigen TEsting for SARS-CoV-2 in schools (EPOCRATES)
Original title 
Date of publication2022 [Preprint]
Identifier: DOI

Note: it is highly desirable to have a DOI for e-publications.

Section info
Denise Mitchell (
Describe change
Guidance added: "When writing the URL, always include the preceding 'http://' or 'https://'."
Change date
18 February 2025