Cochrane Style Manual
Books, monographs, theses

In this section: With personal author(s) | With editor(s), compiler as author | With organization as author and publisher | Chapter in an edited book | Dissertation or thesis

For books published in the USA or Canada follow the city of publication with the two-letter abbreviation for the state or province.  For books published in other countries, follow the city of publication with the name of the country.  Use the anglicized form of city names, e.g. 'Vienna' not 'Wien'.  For more information about place names see Citing Medicine: General rules for place of publication

If a book has been assigned an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) that number may be inserted into the ‘Other ID’ field. Begin with 'ISBN' followed by a space then the number, ignoring all hyphens in the number, e.g. 'ISBN 9780071463898'.

> With personal author(s)

Example: Colson JH, Armour WJ. Sports Injuries and Their Treatment. 2nd edition. London (UK): Stanley Paul, 1986.

Reference typeBook
AuthorsColson JH, Armour WJ
Journal/book/sourceSports Injuries and Their Treatment
Date of publication1986
Publisher nameStanley Paul
City of publicationLondon (UK)

With editor(s), compiler as author

Example: Diener HC, Wilkinson M, editor(s). Drug Induced Headache. New York (NY): Springer-Verlag, 1988.

Reference typeBook
AuthorsDiener HC, Wilkinson M, editor(s)
Journal/book/sourceDrug-Induced Headache
Date of publication1988
Publisher nameSpringer-Verlag
City of publicationNew York (NY)

With organization as author and publisher

Example: Virginia Law Foundation. The Medical and Legal Implications of AIDS. Charlottesville (VA): The Foundation, 1987.

Reference typeBook
AuthorsVirginia Law Foundation
Journal/book/sourceThe Medical and Legal Implications of AIDS
Date of publication1987
Publisher nameThe Foundation
City of publicationCharlottesville (VA)

Chapter in an edited book

Example: Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathologic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, editor(s). Pathologic Physiology: Mechanisms of Disease. 5th edition. Philadelphia (PA): Saunders, 1974:457-72.

Reference typeSection of book
AuthorsWeinstein L, Swartz MN
English titlePathologic properties of invading microorganisms
Journal/book/sourcePathologic Physiology: Mechanisms of Disease
Date of publication1974
Editor(s)Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA
Publisher nameSaunders
City of publicationPhiladelphia (PA)

Dissertation or thesis

Example: Hayden C. Towards an Understanding of the Role of Cranial Osteopathy in the Treatment of Infantile Colic [Masters thesis]. Maidstone (UK): European School of Osteopathy, 2007.

Reference typeBook
AuthorsHayden C
Journal/book/sourceTowards an Understanding of the Role of Cranial Osteopathy in the Treatment of Infantile Colic [Masters thesis]
Date of publication2007
Publisher nameEuropean School of Osteopathy
City of publicationMaidstone (UK)