The Cochrane Consumer Network (CCNet) is made up of people committed to the importance of consumer participation in informed healthcare decision-making processes, and our members have a key role in the production of healthcare evidence. The network of consumer contributors is a fundamental part of Cochrane, and contributes at every level to the goals identified in Cochrane’s Strategy to 2020.
Members of the CCNet Consumers’ Executive (CE) are responsible for the implementation of the CCNet remit ‘to support consumers contributing effectively to Cochrane and to help to explain the role of Cochrane and of evidence in health care to consumers and their representatives globally’.
The CE comprises five elected members of CCNet, with the Consumer Co-ordinator serving as the sixth, non-voting, member. For the 2016 election there are two vacancies, and we are seeking a minimum of one representative from a low- or middle-income country.
Nominations should be sent by email to the Consumer Co-ordinator, Richard Morley, by Friday 11 June 2016, 23:59 UTC.
For more information on the CE nomination and election process, please download the complete election process document. For more information on the work of CCNet, please visit our website.