Cochrane Style Manual

In this section: Headings in Cochrane review text | Headings in Cochrane review tables

Headings in Cochrane review text

  • Cochrane reviews automatically include predefined headings (these are blue in RevMan). Some predefined headings cannot be removed or altered (e.g. ‘Background’). 
  • Some sections of the review have predefined subheadings that authors can deactivate manually, by leaving the text box directly below the heading empty. For example, under 'Outcome measures', the subheading 'Important outcomes' can be deactivated if required.
  • Authors can insert author-defined headings if predefined headings are not appropriate (these are grey in RevMan).
  • All author-defined headings must be formatted correctly using the drop-down menu in RevMan.
  • Heading levels are numbered 1 (e.g. Methods) to 6 (author-defined heading).
  • Author-defined headings should usually be the same level or lower than the preceding heading.
  • All headings should use sentence case (i.e. only the first letter of the first word in upper case).
  • RevMan inserts a space underneath a heading, so no need to insert a blank line - section text should start on the next line.
  • Avoid using abbreviations in headings, although some abbreviations are acceptable if they have been defined previously (see Abbreviations).
  • Don't add a full stop at the end of a heading.

The formats of the different heading levels are shown below.

Heading levels available in RevMan

A screenshot of a survey Description automatically generated
Some headings in the focused review format are different from those in the previous review format. More information is available here: intervention review subheadings.

Headings in Cochrane review tables

See Tables

Section info
Denise Mitchell (
Describe change
Adjusted 'Cochrane Review' to 'Cochrane review'.
Adjusted 'RevMan Web' to 'RevMan'.
Text updated for focused review format.
Table deleted and new figure for heading levels added.
Link added to Abbreviations
Typo corrected
Text amended to match Abbreviations section
Change date
26 June 2024