
Governing Board elections December 2018: Results

Governing Board elections December 2018: Results

Dear Cochrane Members,

Thank you for voting in the recent election for new members of the Cochrane Governing Board. Over 1200 people voted and over 4000 votes were cast.

We’re delighted to announce that the following four candidates have been elected:

  • Xavier BONFILL
  • Sally GREEN
  • Karsten Juhl JØRGENSEN

Thank you to all the candidates who stood in this election, your contributions and willingness to serve Cochrane in this way are greatly appreciated. The full vote count is available on Learn more about the Governing Board on the Cochrane Community website. Questions about any aspects of the elections process can be raised with Lucie Binder, Senior Advisor to the CEO (Governance & Management) and Electoral Officer for this election.

11 December 2018

Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - December 2018

Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - December 2018

The agenda and open access papers for the Cochrane Governing Board teleconference on 10 December 2018 are now available to view online, for information only.

Cochrane's governing body is the Governing Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of Cochrane’s strategic direction. If you would like to comment on an item you can contact the Board:

10 December 2018

Governing Board elections December 2018: Final reminder to vote!

 Final reminder to vote!

Dear Cochrane Members,
Almost 1,100 votes have been cast so far, but if you haven’t voted yet, you’re still able to do so until next Monday, 10 December 2018, at 12:00 GMT.

With 18 candidates standing for election this year, there’s a lot of information available for you to review before casting your votes. To support your choices, we’ve interviewed the candidates about their motivation to stand for election and their views on Cochrane’s key opportunities and challenges. Visit to read these interviews, view the full Candidate Statements, and cast your votes.

All members as defined by the Membership Terms & Conditions are entitled to vote in this election. To check your membership status, please see If you know of fellow members who aren’t receiving these emails but want to, you can ask them to check their communications preferences in their Cochrane Account. The Community Support Team will also be happy to assist you by email at

Questions about any aspects of the elections process can be raised with Lucie Binder, Senior Advisor to the CEO (Governance & Management) and Electoral Officer for this election.

7 December 2018

Cochrane Style Basics: new version released

Cochrane Style Basics: new version released

The Cochrane Style Manual Working Group have released an updated and revised version of the Cochrane Style Basics. Cochrane Style Basics is in PDF format, so can be sent as an attachment, and includes links out to the Cochrane Style Manual.

Cochrane Style Basics is a collection of 'style essentials' designed to provide Cochrane authors with a useful summary of Cochrane style. We hope this updated resource will be a guide for new authors or as a refresher for more experienced authors and editors. It is especially helpful at at the start of the review stage, when an update is about to start, or when preparing a review for copy-editing.

If you have suggestions for how Style Basics could be improved or how it could be used, please let us know via the Cochrane Style Manual Ideas and Feedback forum.

5 December 2018

Cochrane Colloquium Santiago website now live!

Cochrane Colloquium Santiago website now live!

Cochrane Colloquium, Santiago, Chile 22-25 October 2019

Cochrane Chile is delighted to be hosting the Colloquium next year. It will be a great opportunity to meet and network with the Cochrane community from Chile and Latin America, and to be surprised by the wide usage of Cochrane evidence in decision-making at all levels.

The theme of the next Colloquium is ‘Embracing Diversity’, and there is no better place to experience it. In 2018, Chile was recognized as the best country to visit by the prestigious Lonely planet travel guide. This long and narrow strip of land, isolated from the rest of the world by the soaring Andes to the east, and the vast Pacific Ocean to the west, acts as a catalogue of natural wonders, ranging from the unearthly scenery of the world’s driest desert in the north, to the world’s largest continental ice fields in the south. In between, countless unforgettable locations, including top-of-the-list wine growing regions, the clearest skies in the world, the impenetrable wilderness of Patagonia and the enigmatic Easter island, just to name a few. Chile is nature on a colossal scale, and travel is surprisingly safe and easy.

Accompanying Chile’s diverse geography is it’s multi-ethnic and diverse society. High-tech, early technology adopters, conforming what the media refers to as Chilecon Valley, coexist with writers that make Chile known as a country of poets, and nine indigenous peoples that have preserved their culture as a living heritage.

Registration is scheduled to open in February 2019 and abstract and workshop submission will launch in early January. Visit the website to get the latest information and key dates, with more details to be announced in the coming months.

If you would like to sponsor, exhibit or advertise at the event, find out more in our sponsorship brochure and contact us at

Hashtag: #CochraneSantiago


5 December 2018

Partnerships for knowledge translation

Partnerships for knowledge translation

Cochrane reviews should help inform health decision making. As the producers of reviews, we cannot do this on our own. Strategic partnerships, at the organizational, regional, national, network and group levels, are essential. These partnerships can be very diverse, from working with local media or a local community organization, to global and national health policy makers, major research funders, as well as a wide variety of health practitioners.

This video highlights some of our partnerships with Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Health Talk, Choosing Wisely, and Wikipedia. It demonstrates the variety of partners Cochrane engages with to ensure its reviews are relevant and responsive to the needs of users, and help inform health decisions people need to make.

The KT training website includes additional information for partnership development, including a partnership guidance note, case studies, as well as references to other resources that can support each step of a partnership development process. 

3 December 2018

Cochrane’s success in numbers July-September 2018

Cochrane’s Organizational Dashboard Q3 July – September 2018

An enhanced Cochrane Library platform launch, huge increase in visits to, and almost 1,300 contributors attend Cochrane’s Colloquium in Edinburgh, UK.

We are proud to present key highlights of Cochrane’s performance during July – September 2018 as part of our latest organizational Dashboard.

This important information consists of data on Strategy to 2020 target achievements, and key metrics around the Strategy’s four Goals, Producing evidence; Making our evidence accessible; Advocating for evidence; Building an effective sustainable organization.

This quarter, July- September 2018, saw the successful launch of the new Cochrane Library platform, redesigned with enhancements to improve user experience and functionality.

We are delighted to share other achievements across Cochrane during this period including:

  • An astonishing 22% increase in web sessions since Quarter II 2018, that’s a 99% increase in web sessions since a year ago.

  • Usage in some countries (Japan, Mexico, Brazil) showing even more significant growth

  • 22% increase in Cochrane supporters since Quarter II

  • Major increases in year on year members of Cochrane Crowd (44%), users of Task Exchange (89%)  and Covidence (65%)

  • Nearly 1,300 delegates attend a hugely successful Patients Included Cochrane Colloquium in Edinburgh, UK.

View Cochrane’s organizational performance in more detail in PDF format

Q3 2018 dashboard

If you would like further information on Cochrane’s organizational data and information, please contact Sarah Darbyshire Evans (

30 November 2018

Governing Board elections November 2018: Interviews with the candidates

Governing Board elections November 2018: Interviews with the candidates

Dear Cochrane Members,

If you haven’t voted yet in the current Governing Board elections, you’re still able to do so until 10 December 2018 at 12:00 GMT.

With 18 candidates standing for election this year, there’s a lot of information available for you to review before casting your votes. To support your choices, we’ve interviewed the candidates about their motivation to stand for election and their views on Cochrane’s key opportunities and challenges.

Visit to read these interviews, view the full Candidate Statements, and cast your votes.

All members as defined by the Membership Terms & Conditions are entitled to vote in this election. To check your membership status, please see If you know of fellow members who aren’t receiving these emails but want to, you can ask them to check their communications preferences in their Cochrane Account. The Community Support Team will also be happy to assist you by email at

Questions about any aspects of the elections process can be raised with Lucie Binder, Senior Advisor to the CEO (Governance & Management) and Electoral Officer for this election.

28 November 2018

2018 Colloquium Gala Dinner Raises £9,880 for Social Bite, a charity dedicated to tackling homelessness in Scotland

Colloquium Gala Dinner Raises £9,880 for Social Bite, a charity dedicated to tackling homelessness in Scotland

The Colloquium is Cochrane's annual flagship event, bringing people together from around the world to discuss research into important global health questions and to promote evidence-informed health care. This year, the Colloquium took place in Edinburgh, UK, in September and was hosted by Cochrane UK. Almost 1300 people from 57 countries attended. The theme was ‘Cochrane for all - better evidence for better health decisions.’  It was a Patients Included event, co-designed, co-produced and co-presented by healthcare consumers.

This year’s Colloquium gala dinner was held at the National Museum of Scotland. Guests enjoyed their meal in the Grand Gallery, followed by traditional Scottish music, a ceilidh and a disco.

In order to guarantee their place at the dinner, guests were asked to make a charitable donation at the time of registration. These donations were promised to Social Bite, a national Social Enterprise in Scotland dedicated to tackling homelessness. We are delighted to have raised £9,880 for this cause.

Social Bite invite their homeless customers into their chain of sandwich shops to enjoy homemade food and hot drinks throughout the day. Among other ventures, they also hold a series of ‘social supporter’ events in the evenings, including nights for refugees and ‘women’s only’ nights for homeless women. Social Bite have also secured 800 homes for their first Housing Initiative. This plans to take a minimum of 800 people out of homelessness and into a proper home with fully funded support over the next 18 months.

After learning of the donation raised from the gala dinner, Jamie Boyd, Head of Event Fundraising at Social Bite passed on this message: 

“Your gift will make such a difference to the lives of the many homeless people we support.  Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, like yourselves, we are able to distribute over 100,000 items of food and hot drinks every year to Scotland’s most vulnerable people… Support such as yours gives the small team at Social Bite great hope that together we can end homelessness and we thank you once again”.

 To learn more about Social Bite watch this short video:   


27 November 2018

2018 Governing Board election: Voting now open

Governing Board election: Voting now open

Dear Cochrane Members,
Voting is now open for the current Governing Board election.

Visit to view the candidates standing, read their Candidate Statements, and cast your votes.

We’ll be sending a series of reminders before voting closes on 10 December 2018 at 12:00 GMT. Next week on the Cochrane Community website, we’ll be interviewing the candidates about their motivation to stand for election, providing you with another opportunity to get to know candidates before voting.

All members as defined by the Membership Terms & Conditions are entitled to vote in this election. To check your membership status, please see If you have questions about your status, you can email

Questions about any aspects of the elections process can be raised with Lucie Binder, Senior Advisor to the CEO (Governance & Management) and Electoral Officer for this election.

23 November 2018
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