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  • Cochrane Translations: Cochrane Russia's Student Podcast Club
    Cochrane Russia has had great success translating and recording podcasts at Kazan Federal University. The initiative involves students, medical residents, and others interested in Cochrane evidence, and is le by Liliya Eugenevna Ziganshina, Director of Cochrane Russia, and Head of the Department of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology at Kazan Federal…
  • Cochrane Nutrition Field established
    Cochrane Nutrition's vision is to make Cochrane the independent, globally recognized go-to place for nutrition systematic reviews Cochrane is delighted to announce the establishment of the Cochrane Nutrition Field (Cochrane Nutrition), under the leadership of Cochrane South Africa (SA), the South African Medical Research Council, and the…
  • Announcing the Cochrane Style Manual
    We are delighted to announce the launch of the Cochrane Style Manual, a resource that outlines Cochrane journal style for use in the preparation of Cochrane Reviews and other Cochrane content. The Style Manual results from a comprehensive update of the Cochrane Style Guide, with extensive input from members of the Cochrane Editorial Unit, Copy…
  • NIHR Complex Reviews Support Unit (CRSU)
    The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Complex Reviews Support Unit provides timely and appropriate support for the delivery of complex reviews that are funded and/or supported by NIHR - including Cochrane Reviews! Project Manager of the unit, Mora Aitken, answers a few questions to introduce the unit more widely to the Cochrane…
  • Translations team
    Cochrane’s translation strategy, established in 2014, is aimed at strengthening impact in non-English speaking countries. More than 2,500 translations of Cochrane Review summaries have been published in the first half of 2016 alone. Hayley Hassan, Cochrane’s Translations Support Officer, offers an insight into the impressive work of Cochrane’s…
  • Putting the equity lens on the work of Cochrane
    Dario Sambunjak is a Learning & Support Officer at the Cochrane Central Executive and acts as the secretary to the recently established Cochrane Equity & Diversity Task Force. In this blog post, he discusses the first and last principles – “alpha and omega” - underpinning Cochrane’s work and invites Cochrane contributors to join in the…
  • Cochrane Review’s Altmetric Score: Understanding the value
    You may have noticed that the Altmetric ‘doughnut’ is now included at the start of every Cochrane Review and Protocol. But what does it mean? Working with Gavin Stewart, Cochrane Editor for our publishing partner Wiley, we’ve come up with all you need to know, including how authors, Managing Editors, and Review Groups can make the most of it.…
  • Project Transform: a short & snappy video explainer
    Project Transform aims to significantly improve the long-term value and sustainability of Cochrane by piloting, refining, and scaling up innovations in content production in collaboration with other Cochrane projects. This short and snappy new video explains what Project Transform can mean for you and the wider Cochrane community. Take a look…
  • Why publish a systematic review in Cochrane?
    Study offers insight on factors influencing choice of publication in Cochrane and non-Cochrane sources. New evidence published in BioMed Central’s Systematic Reviews provides some insights into authors’ experiences preparing and publishing systematic reviews, as well as factors that influence choice of publication arena, specifically Cochrane and…
  • Cochrane Tumblr: sharing Cochrane evidence on a miroblogging platform
    Jack Leahy is an Engagement Officer with Cochrane UK. Jack curates the new Cochrane Tumblr account, where the popular Cochrane blogshots are shared. These blogshots summarize a Cochrane Review with a visual and are easy to share and consume on social media – a perfect fit for the miroblogging platform that is Tumblr! If you follow any of the…
  • Final consultation on Cochrane governance reform: deadline 23 August 2016
    Dear colleagues, During 2016, the Cochrane Steering Group has been developing a proposal for the transition to a new governance structure for Cochrane, including a transition from the Steering Group structure to a new Cochrane Governing Board. Following an initial round of consultation in February and March, the proposals were the subject of…
  • Cochrane Crowd – Exciting Times Ahead
    It’s now two months since we launched Cochrane’s new citizen science platform, Cochrane Crowd, so it’s time celebrate our achievements and share the exciting plans for the months ahead. Firstly a big thank you to our existing Embase screening project crowd for coming along on this transition with us and giving such helpful feedback on the early…
  • Call for Cochrane Review Groups to express interest to host a volunteer for Wikipedia editing
    As of the end of 2013, Wikipedia's health content was assessed at more than 155,000 articles, which had been viewed more than 4.88 billion times. Wikipedia therefore provides a major source of health information for people across the world. The Cochrane-Wikipedia partnership, formalized in 2014, supports the inclusion of relevant evidence within…
  • The World Health Assembly – A great opportunity for Cochrane to engage with key stakeholders
    The World Health Assembly is an important meeting for Cochrane and our partnerships. Here Sylvia de Haan, Partnership Coordinator for Cochrane, discusses what it is, our involvement thus far, and plans on making the most of our attendance. Once a year the World Health Assembly (WHA) brings together 3,000 people representing 194 member states and…
  • Nominations open for 2016 NIHR Cochrane Review Group funding
    For the past twelve years, the Department of Health in England has funded an annual scheme, the National Institute for Health Research Cochrane Review Incentive Scheme, which offers small incentive payments to Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) to support preparing key new or updated Cochrane Reviews by agreed dates. Although these awards cannot meet…
  • ISEHC 2016
    The International Society for Evidence-Based Healthcare is pleased to announce its fifth annual Congress, representing one of the largest gatherings of clinicians, researchers, and policy makers in the field of evidence-based health care and policy making.  The 2016 conference will take place on Kish Island, Iran from 7-9 December 2016,…
  • Farewell to Maria Burgess
    The Finance and Core Services (FCS) team has announced that Maria Burgess is leaving Cochrane after seven years, deciding to enjoy other aspects of her life. Maria has been a part of Cochrane since 2009 when she joined Cochrane UK. She has worked with the Central Executive team (CET) as Core Services/Office Manager for the last three years, and…
  • Putting Cochrane evidence in the spotlight at conferences
    David Roberts, a public health registrar with Cochrane UK, recently helped with a Cochrane stand at a Public Health conference. Here he shares a bit about the experience and gives tips for other groups sharing Cochrane Evidence. The Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference was held in June in Brigton, East Sussex, UK. Representatives of…
  • Structure and Function webinars for Centres, Branches, and Networks
    Dear Colleagues, I’m writing to invite you to attend one of a series of four webinars (each presenting the same content at different times) to introduce the structure and function changes to Centres, Branches, and Networks; and to update you on how the organisational structure and function changes announced following the London meeting and…
  • Screening Notes: Planning methods for using GRADE and preparing Summary of Findings tables
    The Cochrane Editorial Unit (CEU) has been undertaking pre-publication screening of Cochrane Reviews since 2013. In that time a team of editors from the CEU has assessed hundreds of submissions, and has not only identified areas for improvement within individual reviews, but also extracted and gathered data to help improve production practices…
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