Cochrane Style Manual
Supplementary materials

In this section: Linking from the text and numbering | Types of supplementary materials | References and citations in supplementary materials 

Supplementary materials contain data and information to support or enhance the main article. They were designed to keep the body of the review 'focused' by moving content that would previously have been included in the review body or appendices outside the main review. Some supplementary materials are mandatory, prepared automatically by RevMan from data entered into various sections of the review by the authors. Others are created and uploaded by the authors to suit the needs of their review.

All supplementary materials must be linked to from the text using an internal link.

Note: supplementary materials are not copy edited, type set or proofread. Authors must make sure that all their supplementary materials comply with Cochrane editorial policies and follow Cochrane style.

Linking from the text and numbering

Supplementary materials are not automatically renumbered by RevMan according to the order in which they are linked in the text. They are listed in the order below. The Search strategies supplementary material is always Supplementary material 1; after that, numbering may vary depending on which study types are in the review (for example, if there are no ongoing studies there will be no Characteristics of ongoing studies table, so the numbering will be adjusted).

  • Search strategies
  • Characteristics of studies tables (included, excluded, awaiting classification, ongoing), including risk of bias tables for RoB 1
  • Risk of bias (RoB 2)
  • Analyses
  • Downloadable data package
  • Other supplementary materials

To add a link to a supplementary material: click Insert internal link > Supplementary materials > select appropriate supplementary material > OK.

Types of supplementary materials

Supplementary material

Search strategies

Supplementary material 1

Mandatory, automatically included by RevMan. Authors enter search strategies into RevMan: Default view > Search Strategies.

  • Include the search strategy for each database and other sources if used.
  • Include search strings, database names, access platforms, search fields and limitations/settings

Link to Supplementary material 1 from the Electronic searches section of the review.

Headings should be in sentence case (first letter in upper case only). 

See Search methods

Characteristics of studies tables (included, excluded, awaiting classification, ongoing)

Supplementary materials 2, 3, 4, 5

Mandatory for all study types in the review.

Information about each study added by the authors at study level, using predefined headings.

In Default view go to Studies > select study type > Add Study > Characteristics

RoB 1: Characteristics of included studies tables include risk of bias table for RoB 1, if used. In Default view select Studies > Included > Edit study, then select Risk of bias from the choices at the top of the page.

Ensure characteristics tables use Cochrane style.

Styles (e.g. spelling, lists, abbreviations) should match the main text. However, write numbers 1-9 as numerals in these tables and use more concise, 'note' form, as long as the meaning is clear. Use abbreviations, and give definitions in footnotes.

It is customary to use a dash (en-dash) when writing ranges in tables but it is acceptable to write 'to' as long as the style is consistent within and across tables. For example, 10 mg-20 mg or 10 mg to 20 mg. See Tables.

See Cochrane Style Essentials for advice on Characteristics tables.

See elsewhere in Cochrane Style Manual for all aspects of Cochrane style.

Risk of bias 

Listed after Characteristics tables - numbering will vary depending on how many types of study are in the review.

RoB 2: authors add risk of bias judgements and support for judgements:

  • manually in the analyses (Edit analysis > click on a row in results table > Action > add risk of bias); or
  • from an Excel spreadsheet uploaded to RevMan (see RevMan Knowledge Base for template).

Authors can edit individual judgements in Analyses (it may be easier to edit in the Excel file prior to import).

RevMan automatically produces Risk of bias supplementary material from Analyses. 

See Cochrane Methods and Chapter 8 of the Handbook.

(See Characteristics of included studies for RoB 1.)

If quotations from the study are used to support risk of bias judgements, enclose them in quotation marks (double inverted commas).


Listed after Risk of bias

Full analyses associated with the review, including results data, syntheses and forest plots.

RevMan automatically produces this supplementary material from the Analyses.

Ensure names of analyses are clear and include definitions of abbreviations (for example, "Analysis 1.1: Change from baseline in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 9 to 12 weeks")

Make sure graph labels follow Cochrane style.

Check spelling is consistent with the review text (UK/US English).

See: Figures

Data package

Listed after Analyses

Full downloadable data package (zip file), including collected study data, risk of bias assessment, analyses and references.

RevMan automatically produces the data package.

Link to this supplementary material from the section Data code and other materials in RevMan.

See Data sharing editorial policy

Other supplementary materials

Optional, author-defined. Includes additional tables.

Note: figures, other than forest plots or funnel plots, cannot currently be included as supplementary materials.

Upload to RevMan. In Default view, click Other suppl. materials in the left-hand navigation pane > Add supplementary material > add a title and copy/paste or type supplementary material in the text box.

Follow Cochrane style.

For additional tables see Tables

See elsewhere in Cochrane Style Manual for all aspects of Cochrane style.

References and citations in supplementary materials

Avoid citing references in supplementary materials only. If references are cited in a supplementary material only, the reference should be contained in that supplementary material.

Section info
Describe change
Typo corrected
Text added about ranges in tables.
Change date
26 June 2024