Conflict of interest declarations: Groups/Units

Group Name Roles Updated on
Acute Respiratory Infections Group Allen C Cheng Editor 25 Feb 2019
An IM De Sutter Editor 10 Mar 2022
Anca Zalmanovici Trestioreanu Editor 16 Apr 2022
Bruce Arroll Editor 19 Jan 2017
Carl J Heneghan Editor 9 Feb 2018
Diederik van de Beek Editor 8 Mar 2022
Johannes C van der Wouden Editor 23 Feb 2022
Justin Clark Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Liz Dooley Managing Editor, Staff 16 Apr 2024
Lubna A Al-Ansary Editor 20 Apr 2022
Mark A Jones Statistician, Co-ordinating Editor 10 Mar 2022
Meenu Singh Editor 8 Mar 2022
Menelaos Konstantinidis Statistician, Staff 13 Jun 2021
Michelle PB Guppy Editor 9 Jun 2022
Mieke L van Driel Editor, Deputy Co-ordinating Editor 7 Jun 2023
Nader Shaikh Editor 23 Feb 2022
Paul Little Editor 14 Apr 2022
Paul P Glasziou Editor 19 Apr 2022
Ravi Shankar Statistician, Staff 6 May 2022
Robert S Ware Statistician, Staff 9 Mar 2022
Roderick P Venekamp Editor 23 Feb 2022
Roger AMJ Damoiseaux Editor 2 Mar 2022
Susan M Smith Editor 15 Apr 2022
Tom Fahey Editor 24 Feb 2022
Tom Jefferson Editor 23 Feb 2022
Zohra S Lassi Feedback Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Airways Group Alexander G Mathioudakis Editor 24 Feb 2022
Anna H Noel-Storr Information Specialist 4 Apr 2023
Anne B Chang Editor 24 Feb 2022
Anne E Holland Editor 8 Mar 2022
Christian R Osadnik Editor, Feedback Editor 1 Mar 2022
Emma Banchoff Staff, Statistician 5 Jul 2024
Han Ni Editor 8 Mar 2022
Hayley Barnes Editor 31 Oct 2022
Iain Crossingham Editor 24 Feb 2022
Ian A Yang Editor 25 Feb 2022
Katharine C Pike Editor 23 Feb 2022
Kristin V Carson-Chahhoud Editor 6 Apr 2022
Leslie Choi Editor Not submitted
Lucy Goldsmith Statistician, Staff 22 Feb 2021
Mark A Jones Editor 10 Mar 2022
Milo A Puhan Editor 25 Jan 2019
Rebecca Fortescue Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 30 Jan 2023
Sally Spencer Editor 13 Jan 2022
Wouter H van Geffen Editor 8 Apr 2023
Yuji Oba Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anaesthesia Group Andrew F Smith Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 29 May 2020
Ann Merete Møller Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anna Lee Editor 24 Feb 2022
Anne-Marie K Jørgensen Information Specialist 1 Sep 2022
Bronagh Blackwood Editor 8 Mar 2022
Cathal D Walsh Editor, Statistician, Staff 28 Jan 2019
Harald Herkner Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Janet L Wale Editor 28 Feb 2022
Jasmin Arrich Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Jing Xie Editor, Statistician 6 Aug 2022
Lars H Lundstrøm Editor 23 Aug 2022
Marialena Trivella Editor, Statistician, Staff 25 Apr 2023
Martín Cañón Staff Not submitted
Michael H Bennett Editor 24 Aug 2022
Michael Heesen Editor 25 Mar 2022
Naomi Dayan Managing Editor, Staff 19 Oct 2023
Nathan L Pace Editor, Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Philippe Tadger Statistician, Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Sharon Einav Editor 23 Feb 2022
Stephanie Weibel Editor 9 Mar 2022
Susanne Schmitz Editor 9 Mar 2020
Vassilis Athanassoglou Editor 25 Feb 2022
Vibeke E Horstmann Statistician, Editor, Staff 20 Feb 2019
Back and Neck Group Adrian C Traeger Assistant Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Antti Malmivaara Editor 12 Apr 2019
Bradley K. Weiner Editor 8 Feb 2017
Bruno T Saragiotto Editor Not submitted
Christopher G Maher Editor 8 Mar 2022
Diane Horrigan Information Specialist 28 Feb 2022
George Tomlinson Statistician, Editor Not submitted
Gert Brønfort Editor 6 May 2019
Kristy Hancock Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Leah Boulos Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Mark J Hancock Editor 27 Feb 2022
Mark L Schoene Editor, Feedback Editor 6 Mar 2022
Michiel R de Boer Statistician Not submitted
Rachelle Buchbinder Co-ordinating Editor 4 Mar 2021
Renea V Johnston Managing Editor 13 Mar 2022
Roger Chou Editor 2 Mar 2021
Sheila Cyril Assistant Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Terry Corbin Editor 2 Apr 2021
Wilco Peul Editor 16 Feb 2021
Breast Cancer Group Alessandra Gennari Editor 26 Feb 2018
Annabel Goodwin Co-ordinating Editor, Editor, Staff 26 May 2024
Arindam Basu Statistician, Staff 24 Feb 2021
Ava Grace Tan-Koay Information Specialist, Assistant Managing Editor 25 Feb 2022
Cecilia Fabrizio Editor 23 Feb 2022
Davina Ghersi Editor 24 Feb 2022
Dianne L O'Connell Statistician, Editor, Staff 15 Feb 2021
Gedge D Rosson Editor 9 Aug 2016
Gian Luca Di Tanna Editor 23 Feb 2022
Greg Pond Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Kirsty Stuart Editor 4 Apr 2022
Max K Bulsara Editor 12 Mar 2018
Melina L Willson Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Mike J Clarke Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nicholas Wilcken Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 9 Mar 2020
Nicola Rocco Editor 23 Feb 2022
Patricia Ganz Editor 15 Mar 2022
Peta Skeers Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Rachel F Dear Editor 28 Feb 2022
Ram Bajpai Editor 24 Feb 2022
Rebecca Seago-Coyle Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sam J Egger Statistician, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sandy Walsh Editor 23 Feb 2018
Sarah Norris Editor 13 Mar 2018
Colorectal Group Bo Rud Editor 9 Mar 2022
Calvin Heal Editor 22 Feb 2021
Carole Lunny Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Jacob Rosenberg Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 8 Mar 2022
Jakob Burcharth Editor Not submitted
Jason Joe Baker Assistant Managing Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2024
Jenna Morgan Editor 25 Feb 2022
Judith E Ritchie Editor Not submitted
Kristoffer Andresen Assistant Managing Editor, Staff, Editor, Information Specialist 29 Mar 2022
Laura Ciccolallo Statistician, Staff 2 Mar 2022
Managing Editor, Cochrane Colorectal Managing Editor, Information Specialist, Editor 24 Feb 2022
Mark Jeffery Editor 15 Feb 2021
Neil W Scott Statistician, Staff 30 May 2023
Ram Bajpai Statistician, Staff 24 Feb 2022
Richard L Nelson Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Robert Madoff Editor 1 Mar 2021
Samson Tou Editor 25 Feb 2021
Scott R Steele Editor 16 Feb 2021
Simone Mocellin Editor 16 Feb 2021
Siv Fonnes Managing Editor, Staff 2 Jul 2024
Steven R Brown Editor 10 Jun 2016
Stina Öberg Staff, Managing Editor 2 Jul 2024
Tiffany Daly Editor 8 Mar 2022
Wai Lun Law Editor 14 Jun 2016
Consumers and Communication Group Adrian GK Edwards Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anne Parkhill Information Specialist 2 Nov 2022
Anneliese Synnot Editor 16 Mar 2022
Ariane Virgona Assistant Managing Editor, Staff 7 Apr 2022
Bronwyn Hemsley Editor 10 Aug 2016
Dell Horey Editor 8 Oct 2019
Dianne Lowe Editor 5 Mar 2020
Emma Sayers Staff Not submitted
Gian Luca Di Tanna Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Heather MR Ames Editor 8 Mar 2022
Jessica Kaufman Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 24 Feb 2022
Josip Car Editor 23 Feb 2022
Louisa Walsh Managing Editor, Staff 29 Mar 2022
Michael Taylor Editor Not submitted
Nancy Santesso Editor 8 Mar 2022
Rebecca E Ryan Editor, Staff, Co-ordinating Editor 24 Feb 2022
Ruth Stewart Editor 19 Aug 2016
Sandy Oliver Editor 23 Jan 2024
Terry Hoo Staff Not submitted
Veronica Pitt Staff Not submitted
Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Aidan Ryan Editor 15 Feb 2021
Alan R Smyth Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Alfonso Iorio Editor 18 Jul 2021
Andrew P Prayle Editor, Staff Not submitted
Felix Ratjen Editor 12 Mar 2020
Gerry Dolan Feedback Editor Not submitted
Iain Stewart Statistician, Staff 31 Mar 2021
Ian R Hambleton Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Jo Howard Feedback Editor Not submitted
Karen A Robinson Editor, Staff 24 Feb 2022
Kevin W Southern Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Larry C Lands Feedback Editor Not submitted
Lisa Morrison Editor, Staff 9 Mar 2022
Mariane de Montalembert Editor 20 Feb 2017
Mark J Sharrard Feedback Editor Not submitted
Nikki Jahnke Managing Editor, Assistant Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Sherie Smith Assistant Managing Editor, Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Valerie Waters Editor 3 Jun 2020
Drugs and Alcohol Group Fabrizio Faggiano Editor Not submitted
Laura Amato Editor 23 Jul 2024
Marica Ferri Editor 16 Feb 2021
Marina Davoli Co-ordinating Editor 4 Aug 2014
Matthew Hickman Editor Not submitted
Michael Farrell Editor 24 Mar 2022
Min Zhao Editor 8 Mar 2022
Pier Paolo Pani Editor 11 Mar 2022
Roberta Agabio Editor 23 Feb 2022
Roberto D'Amico Statistician 9 Mar 2022
Sara Balduzzi Statistician Not submitted
Silvia Minozzi Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 25 Feb 2022
Zuzana Mitrova Information Specialist, Managing Editor 1 Mar 2022
Emergency and Critical Care Group Andrew F Smith Editor 29 May 2020
Ann Merete Møller Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anna Lee Editor 24 Feb 2022
Anne-Marie K Jørgensen Information Specialist 1 Sep 2022
Arash Afshari Editor 28 Feb 2022
Balendra P Singh Staff Not submitted
Bronagh Blackwood Editor 8 Mar 2022
Cathal D Walsh Statistician, Editor, Staff 28 Jan 2019
Celica Irrazabal Staff Not submitted
Harald Herkner Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Janet L Wale Editor 28 Feb 2022
Jasmin Arrich Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Jing Xie Statistician, Editor, Staff 6 Aug 2022
John W Drover Staff Not submitted
Marialena Trivella Statistician, Editor, Staff 25 Apr 2023
Naomi Dayan Managing Editor, Staff 19 Oct 2023
Nathan L Pace Statistician, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nicola Petrucci Editor 29 Aug 2022
Philippe Tadger Statistician, Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Sean P Keenan Staff Not submitted
Sharon Einav Editor 23 Feb 2022
Susanne Schmitz Editor 9 Mar 2020
Tintin LG Svensson Staff Not submitted
Vassilis Athanassoglou Editor 25 Feb 2022
Vibeke E Horstmann Statistician, Editor 20 Feb 2019
Eyes and Vision Group Ashleigh Kernohan Editor 10 Mar 2022
Augusto Azuara-Blanco Editor 17 Jun 2021
Barbara S Hawkins Editor 8 Mar 2022
Catey Bunce Editor 8 Mar 2022
Claire Twose Information Specialist Not submitted
Daniel G Ezra Editor 30 Jan 2023
David Friedman Editor 15 Feb 2021
David Yorston Editor Not submitted
Diana V Do Editor Not submitted
Ersilia Lucenteforte Editor 8 Sep 2021
Esen K Akpek Editor 20 Oct 2016
Fiona J Rowe Editor 24 Feb 2022
Genie Han Assistant Managing Editor 10 Feb 2023
Gerry Clare Editor 11 Mar 2022
Gianni Virgili Editor, Co-ordinating Editor, Feedback Editor 8 Mar 2022
Irene C Kuo Editor Not submitted
Jacqueline Ramke Editor 24 Feb 2021
Jod S Mehta Editor 11 Jun 2021
Kay Dickersin Editor Not submitted
Laura E Downie Editor 24 Feb 2022
Lauren Hepworth Editor 23 Feb 2022
Lori Rosman Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Louis Leslie Assistant Managing Editor, Staff 13 Jun 2024
Manuele Michelessi Editor 15 Mar 2022
Megan Prictor Editor 23 Feb 2022
Mitchell Scheiman Editor 18 Jan 2023
Noemi Lois Editor 7 Jan 2022
Quan Dong Nguyen Editor Not submitted
Roberta W Scherer Editor 7 Mar 2022
Roxanne Crosby-Nwaobi Editor 22 Feb 2021
Roy S Chuck Editor 23 Feb 2022
Ruth Hogg Editor 22 Mar 2022
Sarah R Hatt Editor 22 Feb 2021
Shameema Sikder Editor 3 Mar 2022
Stephanie L Watson Editor 26 Aug 2021
Stephen Gichuhi Editor 8 Mar 2022
Su-Hsun Liu Managing Editor Not submitted
Sue Elliott Editor 24 Jun 2021
Sueko M Ng Staff Not submitted
Tasanee Braithwaite Editor 18 Jun 2021
Tianjing Li Co-ordinating Editor 10 Jun 2021
Virginia Minogue Editor 23 Feb 2022
Fertility Regulation Group Alison Edelman Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anna Erskine Staff 25 Apr 2023
Cindy Farquhar Editor 8 Mar 2022
Jillian T Henderson Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 30 Mar 2022
Jo Morrison Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Makalapua L Motu’apuaka Managing Editor 5 Dec 2023
Maria I Rodriguez Editor 31 Mar 2022
Robin Paynter Information Specialist 24 Feb 2022
Yuan Chi Information Specialist, Staff 28 May 2024
Global Ageing Tracey E Howe Staff 25 Feb 2022
Gynaecology and Fertility Group Abha Maheshwari Editor 10 Mar 2022
Andrew Watson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Andy Vail Statistician, Editor 8 Mar 2022
Angela Beros Assistant Managing Editor 10 Apr 2022
Annika Strandell Editor 22 Mar 2022
Ben Willem J Mol Editor 10 Jan 2021
Caroline A Smith Editor 11 May 2021
Charalampos S Siristatidis Editor 9 Aug 2022
Cindy Farquhar Editor, Co-ordinating Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Demián Glujovsky Editor 23 Feb 2022
Elena B Kostova Managing Editor, Staff 15 Mar 2023
Gaity Ahmad Editor 13 Apr 2022
Helen E Nagels Managing Editor, Staff, Feedback Editor 21 Mar 2023
Jack Wilkinson Statistician, Editor, Staff 8 Aug 2022
James MN Duffy Editor 13 May 2021
Jan Bosteels Editor 24 Feb 2022
Jane Thomas Editor 18 Aug 2022
Jeppe B Schroll Editor 23 Feb 2022
Jo Morrison Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Katie Stocking Editor, Statistician, Staff 19 Jun 2023
Laurentiu Craciunas Editor 8 Aug 2022
MA Youssef Editor 6 May 2022
Madelon van Wely Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 13 Mar 2022
Marian G Showell Information Specialist, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Martha Hickey Editor 11 May 2021
Melissa A Vercoe Assistant Managing Editor, Staff 11 Dec 2023
Michael F Costello Editor 23 Feb 2022
Mohan S Kamath Editor 11 Mar 2022
Paraskevi Vogiatzi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Pedro Melo Editor 11 Aug 2022
Rui Wang Editor 8 Mar 2022
Sarah Armstrong Editor 10 Mar 2022
Sarah F Lensen Editor 22 Mar 2023
Sebastiaan Mastenbroek Editor 20 Apr 2020
Selma M Mourad Editor 8 Mar 2022
Shantini Paranjothy Editor 10 Mar 2022
Sofia Dias Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Vanessa Jordan Staff, Editor 21 Mar 2023
Vivienne Moore Editor 15 Mar 2022
Haematology Group Aimee Houlton Editor 7 Mar 2022
Ambuj Kumar Editor Not submitted
Anne Adams Editor 23 Feb 2022
Barbara Zimmer Editor Not submitted
Bastian von Tresckow Editor 9 Mar 2022
Benjamin Djulbegovic Editor Not submitted
Caroline Hirsch Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Claire Iannizzi Managing Editor 8 Mar 2022
Daniel Wolff Staff Not submitted
Guido Schwarzer Editor Not submitted
Hendrik Bahl Staff Not submitted
Ina Monsef Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Joerg J Meerpohl Editor 14 Mar 2022
Julia Bohlius Editor 7 Jun 2022
Lena Specht Editor Not submitted
Leticia Rodrigues Assistant Managing Editor 1 Feb 2024
Lise J Estcourt Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 24 Feb 2022
Mohamed Hendawi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nicole Skoetz Staff, Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2024
Philipp Hirsch Staff Not submitted
Robert Killeen Editor Not submitted
Sebastian Theurich Editor 8 Mar 2022
Selina Schneider Staff Not submitted
Sunday Ocheni Editor 22 Feb 2021
Susan J Brunskill Editor 16 Feb 2021
Health Equity Ashrita Saran Staff Not submitted
Gabriel Rada Staff 18 Mar 2022
Jennifer Petkovic Staff Not submitted
Jordi Pardo Pardo Staff 2 Jul 2024
Kevin Pottie Staff Not submitted
Lara J Maxwell Staff 7 Sep 2023
Lawrence Mbuagbaw Staff 18 Jan 2024
Peter Tugwell Staff 4 Apr 2018
Tamara Lotfi Staff Not submitted
Vivian Welch Staff Not submitted
Heart, Stroke & Circulation Alex Todhunter-Brown Staff 24 Feb 2022
Gerard Stansby Staff 25 Apr 2023
Gillian E Mead Staff 25 Apr 2023
Jackie Price Staff 25 Apr 2023
James M Wright Staff 17 Mar 2022
Juan Erviti Staff 23 Feb 2022
Rod S Taylor Staff 23 Feb 2022
Rui Providencia Staff 14 Apr 2023
Hepato-Biliary Group Agostino Colli Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Brian R Davidson Editor, Staff Not submitted
Chavdar S Pavlov Editor, Staff 26 Feb 2020
Christian Gluud Co-ordinating Editor, Feedback Editor 30 Mar 2022
Davor Štimac Editor, Staff 16 Jul 2022
Dimitrinka Nikolova Managing Editor, Staff 18 Jul 2024
Emmanuel Tsochatzis Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Giovanni Casazza Editor, Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Goran Bjelakovic Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Goran Hauser Editor, Staff 10 Mar 2022
Goran Poropat Editor, Staff 12 Mar 2019
Jian Ping Liu Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Kurinchi Selvan Gurusamy Editor, Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Luit Penninga Editor, Staff 12 Mar 2022
Mirella Fraquelli Editor, Staff 20 Apr 2022
Paola Andrenacci Editor, Staff Not submitted
Ronald L Koretz Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Rosa G Simonetti Editor, Staff Not submitted
Sarah Louise Klingenberg Information Specialist 18 Apr 2022
Stefano Trastulli Editor, Staff 24 Feb 2022
Theis Lange Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Hypertension Group Balraj S Heran Editor 8 Mar 2022
Carole Lunny Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Ciprian D Jauca Managing Editor, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Colin Dormuth Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Douglas M Salzwedel Information Specialist, Assistant Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Francois Gueyffier Editor 17 May 2016
Gavin WK Wong Editor 23 Feb 2022
James M Wright Staff, Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 17 Mar 2022
Jenny MH Chen Editor Not submitted
Jose Agustin Arguedas Editor 18 May 2016
Juan Erviti Editor 23 Feb 2022
Ken Bassett Feedback Editor, Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Lorri Puil Editor 23 Feb 2022
Luis Carlos Saiz Assistant Managing Editor 15 Feb 2021
Marco I Perez Editor 8 Mar 2022
Vijaya M Musini Editor 4 Apr 2022
Infectious Diseases Group Anel Schoonees Information Specialist 18 Jul 2024
Anke C Rohwer Editor 16 Feb 2022
Deirdre P Walshe Staff, Managing Editor 11 Jan 2024
Eleanor A Ochodo Editor 24 Jan 2024
Emmanuel E Effa Editor 30 Jan 2024
George W Rutherford Editor 18 Jan 2024
Geraint R Davies Editor 23 Jan 2024
Hasifa Bukirwa Editor 23 Feb 2022
Hellen Gelband Feedback Editor, Editor, Staff 1 Feb 2024
Ingrid Eshun-Wilson Editor 16 Feb 2022
Jimee Hwang Editor 23 Jan 2024
Joseph Mesri Pryce Editor 18 Jan 2024
Joseph Okebe Editor 28 Jan 2024
Karen R Steingart Editor 18 Jan 2024
Kerry Dwan Co-ordinating Editor, Staff 19 Jan 2024
Lawrence Mbuagbaw Editor 18 Jan 2024
Marty Chaplin Editor 22 Apr 2024
Mical Paul Editor 24 Jan 2024
Michael Eisenhut Editor 18 Jan 2024
Nathan Ford Editor 30 Jan 2024
Paul Garner Editor 19 Jan 2024
Paul Hine Editor 16 Feb 2022
Sandy Oliver Editor 23 Jan 2024
Vittoria Lutje Information Specialist, Staff 19 Jan 2024
Yemisi Takwoingi Editor 18 Jan 2024
Kidney and Transplant Group Anh Kieu Information Specialist Not submitted
Armando Teixeira-Pinto Statistician, Staff 28 Oct 2021
Catherine M Clase Editor 10 Jun 2022
Colin H Wilson Editor 15 Feb 2021
David W Johnson Editor 23 Feb 2022
Edmund YM Chung Editor, Staff Not submitted
Elisabeth M Hodson Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Emmanuel E Effa Editor 30 Jan 2024
Giovanni FM Strippoli Deputy Co-ordinating Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 3 Jun 2024
Jonathan C Craig Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Matthew A Roberts Editor 16 Feb 2021
Narelle S Willis Staff, Managing Editor 18 Jul 2024
Nicole Scholes-Robertson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Patrizia Natale Assistant Managing Editor 6 Mar 2023
Petra Macaskill Editor, Statistician 1 Mar 2022
Pietro Ravani Editor 31 Aug 2023
Ruth L Mitchell Information Specialist 14 Mar 2022
Suetonia C Palmer Editor 23 Feb 2021
Vivekanand Jha Editor 26 Feb 2020
Lung Cancer Group Alain Bernard Editor 2 Mar 2023
Anne-Claire Toffart Editor 8 Mar 2022
Cheryl Ho Editor 10 Mar 2022
Colin Sidre Information Specialist, Staff Not submitted
Corynne Marchal Managing Editor 24 Feb 2022
David R Baldwin Editor Not submitted
François Calais Information Specialist 15 Feb 2021
Jean-Paul Sculier Editor Not submitted
John C Ruckdeschel Editor 8 Mar 2022
Kwun M Fong Editor Not submitted
Marta Roqué-Figuls Statistician, Editor 15 Feb 2021
Mia Schmidt-Hansen Editor 24 Feb 2022
Nichole Taske Editor Not submitted
Noelle O'Rourke Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff Not submitted
Reem Malouf Editor Not submitted
Renée Manser Editor 26 Feb 2020
Sara Ramella Editor Not submitted
Tom Treasure Editor 1 Mar 2020
Virginie Westeel Co-ordinating Editor Not submitted
Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group Anna Leuwer Staff Not submitted
Bernd Richter Editor, Feedback Editor 24 Feb 2022
Brenda Bongaerts Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 11 Apr 2022
Didac Mauricio Editor 4 Mar 2022
Fayola Sadiq Staff Not submitted
Heidrun Janka Information Specialist, Staff, Editor Not submitted
Juan VA Franco Managing Editor, Editor 24 Feb 2022
Maria-Inti Metzendorf Information Specialist, Editor 25 Feb 2022
Murad Alhalahla Staff Not submitted
Peter T. Sawicki Editor 4 Dec 2018
Rene Rodriguez Gutierrez Editor Not submitted
Victor M Montori Editor 6 Dec 2018
Zakariya Aqra Staff Not submitted
Methodology Review Group Asbjørn Hróbjartsson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Gordon H Guyatt Feedback Editor 9 Dec 2021
Jan Odgaard-Jensen Statistician, Staff 24 Feb 2021
Karen A Robinson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Mike J Clarke Information Specialist, Co-ordinating Editor, Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Paul P Glasziou Editor 19 Apr 2022
Philippa Middleton Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sally Hopewell Editor, Staff 16 Feb 2021
Yonggang Zhang Editor 8 Mar 2022
Multiple Sclerosis and Rare Diseases of the CNS Group Ben Ridley Staff, Assistant Information Specialist, Managing Editor 31 Jan 2022
Carlo Di Pietrantonj Editor, Statistician, Staff 11 Jan 2024
Carolyn A Young Editor 28 Feb 2022
Chiara Bassi Information Specialist 11 Mar 2022
Claudia De Santis Staff Not submitted
Elisa Baldin Staff, Editor Not submitted
Fary Khan Editor 12 Sep 2016
Francesco Nonino Co-ordinating Editor 8 Mar 2022
Graziella Filippini Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Irene Tramacere Statistician, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Matteo Foschi Staff 24 Jul 2024
Roberto D'Amico Co-ordinating Editor, Editor, Statistician 9 Mar 2022
loredana la mantia Editor 23 Feb 2022
Musculoskeletal Group Anna H Noel-Storr Information Specialist 4 Apr 2023
Anne Lyddiatt Editor 10 Mar 2017
Barbara Spady Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Bernard S George Staff Not submitted
Beverley Shea Editor, Feedback Editor 12 May 2020
Carsten B Juhl Editor 9 Mar 2022
Christopher G Maher Editor 8 Mar 2022
Denise O'Connor Editor 8 Mar 2022
Diane Horrigan Assistant Information Specialist, Information Specialist 28 Feb 2022
George A Wells Editor 2 Mar 2022
Glen S Hazlewood Editor 23 Feb 2022
Gustavo A Zanoli Editor 27 Feb 2022
Hans Lund Editor 15 Feb 2021
Isabelle Boutron Editor 25 Feb 2021
Jason A Wallis Editor Not submitted
Jasvinder A Singh Editor 23 Feb 2022
Joanne Homik Editor 11 May 2017
Jordi Pardo Pardo Staff, Information Specialist 2 Jul 2024
Karine Toupin April Editor 8 Jun 2020
Kayla Richardson Staff Not submitted
Kukuh Noertjojo Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Laura Silva Nossa Staff Not submitted
Maria Angeles Lopez-Olivo Editor 23 Feb 2022
Maria E Suarez-Almazor Editor 13 May 2020
Mário Lenza Editor 5 May 2020
Omar Dewidar Staff Not submitted
Rachelle Buchbinder Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 4 Mar 2021
Raphaèle Seror Staff Not submitted
Renea V Johnston Managing Editor 13 Mar 2022
Rob de Bie Editor 22 Feb 2021
Robin Christensen Editor, Statistician 24 Feb 2022
Romi Haas Editor Not submitted
Samuel L Whittle Editor 26 Feb 2022
Sheila Cyril Assistant Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Steven C Vlad Staff Not submitted
Tania M Winzenberg Editor 20 May 2020
Tracey E Howe Editor 25 Feb 2022
Neonatal Group Anna H Noel-Storr Assistant Information Specialist 4 Apr 2023
Charles I Okwundu Editor 16 Dec 2022
Chris Cooper Information Specialist 16 Feb 2021
Danielle Ehret Editor 24 Mar 2021
David A Osborn Editor 2 Jun 2020
Eugene Dempsey Editor 14 Apr 2020
Georg M Schmölzer Editor 23 Feb 2022
Haresh Kirpalani Editor 20 Mar 2024
Jacqueline J Ho Editor 26 Feb 2022
James I Hagadorn Editor 16 Feb 2021
Jane Cracknell Managing Editor 18 Oct 2022
Jann P Foster Editor 26 Feb 2022
Jeffrey Horbar Editor 17 Mar 2020
John AF Zupancic Editor 15 Jul 2020
Jon Dorling Editor 23 Feb 2022
Kanekal S Gautham Editor Not submitted
Maria Ximena Rojas-Reyes Editor 23 Feb 2022
Marie Berg Editor 4 Mar 2020
Martin Offringa Editor 2 Jun 2020
Matteo Bruschettini Editor, Managing Editor 28 Feb 2022
Menelaos Konstantinidis Staff 13 Jun 2021
Michelle Fiander Information Specialist, Managing Editor 23 Feb 2022
Mohamed E Abdel-Latif Editor 2 May 2023
Mohan Pammi Editor 23 Feb 2021
Nai Ming Lai Editor Not submitted
Nicolas Bamat Editor 8 Mar 2022
Prakeshkumar S Shah Editor 23 Feb 2022
Roger Soll Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 2 Jun 2020
Sivam Thanigainathan Editor 25 Feb 2022
Souvik Mitra Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Thangaraj Abiramalatha Editor 24 Feb 2022
Vibhuti S Shah Editor 14 Jul 2020
William McGuire Feedback Editor, Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 30 Mar 2022
Nutrition and Physical Activity Amanda Brand Staff Not submitted
Celeste E Naude Staff 24 Feb 2022
Hayley Christian Staff Not submitted
Jodie Doyle Staff 16 Feb 2021
Lukas Schwingshackl Staff Not submitted
Luke Wolfenden Staff 8 Mar 2022
Sam McCrabb Staff 23 Feb 2022
Solange Durao Staff 23 Feb 2022
Oral Health Group Alonso Carrasco-Labra Editor Not submitted
Ana Jeroncic Editor 23 Feb 2022
Anne-Marie Glenny Co-ordinating Editor 11 Jun 2020
Fang Hua Editor 23 Feb 2022
Giovanni Lodi Editor 30 Mar 2022
Helen V Worthington Statistician, Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Ian Needleman Editor 11 Mar 2022
Janet E Clarkson Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Jayne E Harrison Editor 24 Feb 2022
Jennifer Taylor Editor 25 Apr 2019
Lucy O'Malley Editor 16 Feb 2021
Marco Esposito Editor 25 Apr 2019
Martin G McCabe Editor 23 Jan 2019
May CM Wong Editor 9 Mar 2022
Paul Coulthard Editor 12 Mar 2022
Paul V Beirne Editor 8 Mar 2022
Philip Riley Staff, Editor, Deputy Co-ordinating Editor 10 Mar 2022
Sharon R Lewis Staff, Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Sumanth Kumbargere Nagraj Editor 2 Sep 2021
Tanya Walsh Editor, Statistician, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Thomas Lamont Editor 23 Feb 2022
Trevor M Johnson Editor 27 Apr 2017
Valeria CC Marinho Editor 26 May 2017
Zipporah Iheozor-Ejiofor Editor 2 Sep 2021
People, Health Systems and Public Health Anne Parkhill Staff 2 Nov 2022
Bronwen Merner Staff 18 Jul 2022
Denise O'Connor Staff 8 Mar 2022
Elodie A. S. Besnier Staff 8 Feb 2024
Jodie Doyle Staff 16 Feb 2021
Louisa Walsh Staff 29 Mar 2022
Luke Wolfenden Staff 8 Mar 2022
Rebecca E Ryan Staff 24 Feb 2022
Sasha Shepperd Staff 25 Apr 2023
Simon Lewin Staff 19 Jun 2020
Public Health Group Alix E Hall Editor 7 Mar 2022
Anke C Rohwer Editor 16 Feb 2022
Anne Martin Editor Not submitted
Daniel P Francis Editor Not submitted
Erik von Elm Editor 9 Mar 2022
Eva Rehfuess Editor 23 Feb 2022
G.J. Melendez-Torres Editor Not submitted
Gerald Gartlehner Editor 23 Feb 2022
Irma Klerings Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Jodie Doyle Managing Editor, Staff 16 Feb 2021
Jonathan P Shepherd Editor 17 May 2020
Kate M O'Brien Editor 3 Mar 2022
Lorainne Tudor Car Editor 23 Feb 2022
Luke Wolfenden Co-ordinating Editor, Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Michele Hilton Boon Editor 24 Feb 2021
Miranda Cumpston Editor 28 Feb 2022
Philip RA Baker Feedback Editor, Editor 1 Jun 2020
Rebecca Armstrong Editor 15 Feb 2021
Reza Yousefi Nooraie Statistician, Editor 29 Mar 2021
Rob Anderson Editor Not submitted
Ruhi Saith Staff Not submitted
Ruth Dundas Statistician, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Ruth Turley Editor 1 Mar 2022
Sam McCrabb Assistant Managing Editor, Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Simon Ellis Editor 23 Feb 2022
Solange Durao Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Sreekumaran Nair N Statistician, Editor 24 Feb 2022
Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi Editor 15 Feb 2021
Ursula Griebler Editor 8 Mar 2022
Valerie Wells Information Specialist 25 Feb 2022
Sexual and Reproductive Health Alison Edelman Staff 23 Feb 2022
Cindy Farquhar Staff 8 Mar 2022
Elena B Kostova Staff 15 Mar 2023
Helen E Nagels Staff 21 Mar 2023
Jo Morrison Staff 25 Apr 2023
Luke Vale Staff 25 Apr 2023
Makalapua L Motu’apuaka Staff 5 Dec 2023
Marian G Showell Staff 8 Mar 2022
Robin Paynter Staff 24 Feb 2022
Vanessa Jordan Staff 21 Mar 2023
Skin Group Aaron M Drucker Editor 23 Feb 2022
Cheng-Chen Tai Information Specialist, Staff Not submitted
Chia-Ling Yu Editor 25 Apr 2023
Ching-Chi Chi Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 26 Apr 2023
Gloria Sanclemente Editor 30 Mar 2022
Laurence Le Cleach Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 22 Feb 2021
Luigi Naldi Editor 27 Sep 2020
Pei-Tzu Lin Editor Not submitted
Robert Dellavalle Editor 3 Nov 2023
Robert J Boyle Editor, Co-ordinating Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2024
Sivem Afach Editor, Managing Editor, Staff Not submitted
Urbà González Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 29 Feb 2020
Yu-Kang Tu Statistician Not submitted
Zenas Yiu Editor 9 May 2023
STI Group Anne Lethaby Editor 15 Apr 2024
Ariel I Ruiz-Parra Editor 23 Feb 2022
Carlos Eduardo Pinzón-Flórez Editor 8 Dec 2022
Carlos F Grillo-Ardila Editor 23 Feb 2022
Cindy Farquhar Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 8 Mar 2022
Edith Angel-Müller Editor 23 Feb 2022
Elena B Kostova Managing Editor, Staff 15 Mar 2023
Jairo Amaya-Guio Editor 21 Aug 2015
Jo Morrison Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Jonathan Ross Editor 9 Dec 2022
Jorge E Tolosa Editor Not submitted
Jorge Rubio-Romero Editor 9 Dec 2022
Luis Gabriel Cuervo Editor 5 Mar 2020
Madelon van Wely Co-ordinating Editor 13 Mar 2022
Maria Ximena Rojas-Reyes Editor 23 Feb 2022
Marian G Showell Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Nelcy Rodriguez-Malagon Editor Not submitted
Nicola Low Editor Not submitted
Pio Iván Gomez-Sanchez MD, MSc, FACOG Feedback Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Shrikant I Bangdiwala Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Suneeta Mittal Editor 9 Dec 2022
Taryn Young Editor 26 Feb 2022
Tonantzin R Gonçalves Editor 26 Jan 2023
Tobacco Addiction Group Andrew Cutts Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Debbie Robson Editor 15 Feb 2021
Jamie Brown Editor 22 Feb 2021
Jamie Hartmann-Boyce Editor 9 Mar 2022
Jonathan Livingstone-Banks Information Specialist, Staff 28 Apr 2023
Kamal R Mahtani Editor 26 Feb 2017
Nancy A Rigotti Editor 15 Feb 2021
Natalie Walker Editor 3 Mar 2021
Rachna Begh Editor 23 Feb 2022
Richard Stevens Statistician, Staff Not submitted
Robert West Editor 15 Feb 2021
Tim Coleman Editor 24 Jan 2019
Urology Group Andrew RH Shepherd Editor 8 Mar 2022
Anne Cleves Assistant Information Specialist 1 Mar 2022
Bernadette Coles Assistant Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Caitlin Bakker Assistant Information Specialist, Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Camila Micaela Escobar Liquitay Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Carrie L Price Assistant Information Specialist 15 Feb 2021
Chap T Le Statistician, Staff 10 Jan 2016
Connie Bongiorno Assistant Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Dragan Ilic Editor 24 Feb 2022
Erin E. Reardon Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Eu Chang Hwang Editor 23 Feb 2022
Frank Kunath Editor 23 Feb 2022
Hashim U Ahmed Editor 21 Aug 2015
Hunju Lee Managing Editor 15 Feb 2021
Jae Hung Jung Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 12 Mar 2018
Jaime Friel Blanck Assistant Information Specialist 30 Mar 2016
Jennifer A Lyon Assistant Information Specialist 25 Mar 2022
Jennifer Mariano Managing Editor 21 Jul 2021
Juan VA Franco Editor 24 Feb 2022
Katherine V Chew Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Kourosh Afshar Editor 8 Mar 2022
Mari Imamura Editor 8 Mar 2022
Mary E Edwards Assistant Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Mi Ah Han Editor Not submitted
Michael C Risk Editor 8 Mar 2022
Muhammad Imran Omar Editor 23 Feb 2022
Myung Ha Kim Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Niranjan J Sathianathen Editor Not submitted
Onuralp Ergun Editor Not submitted
Philipp Dahm Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 8 Mar 2022
Robin Parker Assistant Information Specialist 23 Feb 2022
Robin WM Vernooij Editor 23 Feb 2021
Sarah Jane Brown Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Solam Lee Assistant Managing Editor Not submitted
Vikram Narayan Editor Not submitted
Work Group Alex Burdorf Editor 24 Feb 2022
Consol Serra Editor 24 Feb 2022
Damien M McElvenny Editor Not submitted
Deirdre FitzGerald Editor Not submitted
Esa-Pekka Takala Editor Not submitted
Faridi S. Jamaludin Information Specialist, Staff Not submitted
Frederieke G Schaafsma Editor Not submitted
Jan L Hoving Co-ordinating Editor 8 Mar 2022
Jessica R Thomas Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Johanna AAG Damen Editor Not submitted
Jos H Verbeek Editor, Feedback Editor 28 Feb 2022
Karen Nieuwenhuijsen Editor 8 Mar 2022
Leslie Stayner Editor Not submitted
Malcolm R Sim Editor Not submitted
Mayara Rodrigues Batista Information Specialist 28 Jun 2023
Rachel Richardson Editor 13 Dec 2023
Riitta Sauni Editor 24 Feb 2022
Risto Rautiainen Editor Not submitted
Thais C Morata Editor 23 Feb 2022
Wim van Veelen Editor Not submitted
Z_INACTIVE_Childhood Cancer Group Elvira C van Dalen Co-ordinating Editor, Information Specialist 24 Feb 2022
Jos K Noorman Assistant Managing Editor 8 Mar 2022
Leontien CM Kremer Feedback Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 24 Jun 2020
Marianne D van de Wetering Editor Not submitted
Rob Pieters Editor Not submitted
Ruth Foxlee Information Specialist 22 Jan 2024
Z_INACTIVE_Common Mental Disorders Group Alan P Bailey Editor 24 Feb 2022
Ann John Editor 15 Feb 2021
Brett Thombs Editor 23 Feb 2022
Corrado Barbui Editor 23 Oct 2019
David Marshall Editor 23 Feb 2022
Eleonora Uphoff Editor 23 Feb 2022
Georgina R Cox Editor 2 Mar 2022
Gill Worthy Editor, Statistician 11 Mar 2021
Giuseppe Guaiana Editor 23 Feb 2022
Hector Pardo-Hernandez Editor 1 Mar 2022
Helen A Fulbright Information Specialist 1 Mar 2022
Jennifer Valeska Elli Brown Editor 23 Feb 2022
Jose A Lopez-Lopez Editor 23 Feb 2021
Katrina G Witt Editor 27 Feb 2022
Kerry Dwan Editor, Statistician 19 Jan 2024
Lindsay Robertson Editor 8 Mar 2022
Marianna Purgato Editor 22 Oct 2019
Mark Rodgers Editor 4 Mar 2022
Mark Simmonds Statistician 15 Feb 2021
Markus Koesters Editor 24 Feb 2022
Melissa Harden Information Specialist 2 Mar 2022
Nicholas Meader Editor, Statistician, Deputy Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Peter Coventry Editor, Feedback Editor 8 Mar 2022
Philippa Davies Editor 17 Feb 2021
Rachel Churchill Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 16 Feb 2021
Sarah E Hetrick Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 8 Mar 2022
Simon Gilbody Editor Not submitted
Simon JC Davies Editor 7 Mar 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group Anne WS Rutjes Editor 13 Apr 2022
Catherine Quinn Editor 24 Feb 2022
Claire Surr Editor 23 Feb 2022
David Tovey Feedback Editor 8 Aug 2022
Edo Richard Editor 7 Mar 2022
Gillian E Mead Editor 25 Apr 2023
Jayne Woodside Editor 23 Feb 2022
Leon Flicker Editor 24 Feb 2022
Lon Schneider Editor 9 Mar 2022
Najma Siddiqi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sally Spencer Editor 13 Jan 2022
Sarah Cullum Editor 7 Mar 2022
Sascha Köpke Editor 8 May 2023
Sebastian Köhler Editor 3 Mar 2022
Stephen Milan Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sue Marcus Managing Editor, Staff 22 Jan 2024
Terry J Quinn Editor 8 May 2023
Z_INACTIVE_Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems Group Adrienne R Harvey Editor 13 Jan 2021
Amanda Brignell Editor 9 Dec 2021
Anna Chaimani Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Areti Angeliki Veroniki Statistician 25 Feb 2022
Christian Gold Editor 23 Feb 2022
Daniela Kuellenberg de Gaudry Editor 24 Feb 2022
Esther Coren Editor 9 Mar 2020
Gemma Clayton Statistician 14 Jan 2021
Georgina R Cox Editor 2 Mar 2022
Harshpal Singh S Sachdev Editor 24 Feb 2022
Hege Kornør Editor 23 Feb 2022
Helen McAneney Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Jeffrey C Valentine Statistician, Editor 20 Apr 2022
Julian PT Higgins Editor, Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Klaus Lieb Editor 16 Mar 2022
Mike J Clarke Feedback Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nuala Livingstone Editor 11 Mar 2024
Ole Jakob Storebø Editor 23 Feb 2022
Paul Montgomery Editor 8 Mar 2022
Penny Whiting Statistician 13 Jan 2021
Philip Hazell Editor 8 Mar 2022
Stephen Milan Editor 23 Feb 2022
William Turner Editor 25 Feb 2022
Yanina Sguassero Editor 7 Mar 2024
Yinghui Wei Statistician 15 Feb 2021
Z_INACTIVE_Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group Andrew D Oxman Editor 24 Feb 2022
Arash Rashidian Editor 30 Oct 2022
Atle Fretheim Editor 1 Apr 2018
Carmel Hughes Editor 9 Mar 2022
Celeste E Naude Editor 24 Feb 2022
Christiana Kartsonaki Statistician 25 Feb 2022
Christopher J Rose Statistician, Editor 24 Feb 2022
Claire Glenton Editor 24 Feb 2022
Craig R Ramsay Editor, Statistician 6 Jun 2019
Cristian A Herrera Editor 23 Feb 2022
Cristóbal Cuadrado Editor 4 Mar 2020
Daniela C Gonçalves-Bradley Editor 23 Mar 2022
Denise O'Connor Editor, Staff 8 Mar 2022
Elie A Akl Editor 23 Feb 2022
Emma Tavender Editor 10 Mar 2022
Espen Movik Editor Not submitted
Etienne Langlois Editor 23 Feb 2022
Gabriel Rada Editor, Staff 18 Mar 2022
Gillian C Leng Editor 10 Mar 2019
Janet Squires Editor 3 Aug 2016
Jemma Hudson Statistician 14 Mar 2022
Jeremy M Grimshaw Editor 8 Mar 2022
Jesse Uneke Editor 1 Jun 2019
Jia Xi Han Assistant Managing Editor 12 Jul 2023
Joshua P Vogel Editor 23 Feb 2022
Liesl Grobler Editor 23 Feb 2022
Luciana Ballini Editor 25 Feb 2020
M. Sofia Massa Statistician 28 Mar 2018
Macarena Morel Marambio Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Marit Johansen Information Specialist 8 Mar 2022
Marita S Fønhus Editor 8 Mar 2022
Martin P Eccles Feedback Editor 24 Feb 2022
Mary Ann O'Brien Editor 10 Mar 2022
Meghan A Bohren Editor 23 Feb 2022
Michael K. Ranson Editor 4 Apr 2018
Michel Wensing Editor 28 Feb 2022
Mohamed Farouk Chughlay Editor 22 May 2017
Newton Opiyo Editor 22 Jun 2021
Nkengafac Villyen Motaze Editor 23 Feb 2022
Noah Ivers Editor 25 Feb 2022
Pierre Durieux Editor 15 Dec 2015
Signe A. Flottorp Editor 9 Mar 2022
Simon Lewin Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 19 Jun 2020
Soo Downe Editor 28 Feb 2021
Susan Munabi-Babigumira Editor Not submitted
Tomas Pantoja Editor 23 Feb 2022
Xavier Bosch-Capblanch Editor 23 Feb 2022
Z_INACTIVE_ENT Group Adrian James Editor 24 May 2018
Cecelia E Schmalbach Editor 19 May 2018
Jose M Acuin Editor Not submitted
Kornkiat Snidvongs Editor 17 May 2018
Maroeska M Rovers Editor Not submitted
Melissa Pynnonen Editor 14 Jun 2018
Remco de Bree Editor 20 Mar 2023
Richard J Harvey Editor Not submitted
Richard Rosenfeld Editor 25 Feb 2020
Roderick P Venekamp Editor 23 Feb 2022
Stephen O'Leary Editor Not submitted
Z_INACTIVE_Epilepsy Group Andrew J McKay Statistician Not submitted
Anne Berg Editor Not submitted
Catrin Tudur Smith Statistician 24 Feb 2022
David W Chadwick Feedback Editor Not submitted
Dieter B Schmidt Editor Not submitted
Eleanor C Hancock Editor 15 Feb 2021
Ettore Beghi Editor Not submitted
Francesco Brigo Editor 23 Feb 2022
Jane L Hutton Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Karla Hemming Statistician Not submitted
Lakshmi Narasimhan Ranganathan Editor Not submitted
Melissa J Maguire Editor 21 Mar 2019
Michael D Privitera Editor Not submitted
Paula R Williamson Editor Not submitted
Richard Newton Editor 6 Oct 2023
Rumona C Dickson Editor Not submitted
Sarah J Nevitt Statistician, Editor 2 Oct 2023
Sarah White Statistician Not submitted
Shlomo Shinnar Editor Not submitted
Sridharan Ramaratnam Editor 25 Feb 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Gut Group Alan Barkun Editor 8 Mar 2022
Alexander C Ford Editor 21 Feb 2021
Andreanne Zizzo Editor Not submitted
Anthony K Akobeng Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 18 Feb 2021
Cochrane Gut Managing Editor 8 Oct 2020
Colin W Howden Editor 17 Feb 2021
Farhad Shokraneh Information Specialist, Staff 2 Oct 2023
Frances Tse Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 17 Feb 2021
Grigorios I Leontiadis Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Huan Song Statistician 9 Mar 2022
James M Scheiman Editor 23 Feb 2022
Javier P Gisbert Feedback Editor, Editor 28 Feb 2022
John K Marshall Editor 23 Feb 2022
Kurinchi Selvan Gurusamy Editor 23 Feb 2022
Laurent Peyrin-Biroulet Editor 18 Mar 2022
Mahdi Sepidarkish Statistician, Editor 25 Feb 2022
Mahmoud H Mosli Editor 15 Nov 2018
Mohammad Yaghoobi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Morris Gordon Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 29 Dec 2021
Paul Moayyedi Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 24 Feb 2020
Philippe Tadger Statistician, Editor 8 Mar 2022
Pieter Hindryckx Editor 27 Sep 2017
Rapat Pittayanon Editor 24 Feb 2022
Sami Hoque Editor 19 Jul 2022
Sarah Rhodes Statistician, Editor 15 Feb 2021
Takeshi Kanno Editor 13 Apr 2023
Yuhong Yuan Information Specialist, Managing Editor, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancer Group Alasdair G Rooney Editor 24 Feb 2022
Brett A Winter-Roach Editor 23 Apr 2021
Christine Ang Editor Not submitted
Christine Fisher Editor Not submitted
Chumnan Kietpeerakool Editor 8 Mar 2022
Claudia Lozada-Can Statistician Not submitted
Guido Cavaletti Editor 18 May 2021
Heather O Dickinson Statistician Not submitted
Helen E Nagels Managing Editor 21 Mar 2023
James Perry Editor 19 Apr 2021
Jo Morrison Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Karen Galway Editor Not submitted
Kenneth Jaaback Editor 1 Apr 2016
Khadra Galaal Editor Not submitted
Khe Hoang-Xuan Editor Not submitted
Lesley A Smith Statistician, Editor Not submitted
Lisa Barraclough Editor Not submitted
Lynn Kilbride Editor Not submitted
Marcia Hall Editor 19 Apr 2021
Mark R Gilbert Editor Not submitted
Markus Horneber Editor 4 Feb 2024
Martie Muller Statistician Not submitted
Martin Taphoorn Editor Not submitted
Martin van den Bent Editor Not submitted
Maurie Markman Editor 23 Feb 2022
Michael G Hart Editor 26 Apr 2021
Monique Spillman Editor 13 Mar 2022
Paul D Brown Editor 19 Apr 2021
Raj Naik Editor 23 Aug 2022
Riccardo Soffietti Editor Not submitted
Shibani Nicum Editor Not submitted
Simon Kerrigan Editor Not submitted
Susan Chang Editor 22 Feb 2021
Victoria N Nyaga Statistician 8 Mar 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Heart Group Adrian V Hernandez Editor 23 Feb 2022
Alberto San Roman Editor 9 Mar 2022
Ana Francisca SMA Caetano Editor 28 Feb 2022
Andrea A Conti Editor 25 Feb 2022
Andrew Beswick Editor 12 Apr 2021
Aparna Kulkarni Editor 25 Feb 2022
Aroon D Hingorani Editor 27 Apr 2020
Bejal Pandya Editor 21 Apr 2020
Carlos A Morillo Editor 23 Feb 2022
Carlos Daniel D Tajer Editor 21 Mar 2022
Charles Foster Editor 8 Mar 2022
Christopher Monkhouse Editor 21 Feb 2021
Cinzia Del Giovane Editor 23 Feb 2022
Daniel Caldeira Editor 20 Apr 2020
Eliano Pio Navarese Editor 6 Oct 2020
Flavio D'Ascenzi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Gian Franco Gensini Editor Not submitted
Giovanni Mariscalco Editor 19 Feb 2021
Helder Dores Editor 28 Apr 2020
Henry MP Boardman Editor 8 Apr 2021
JP Casas Editor Not submitted
Javier Mariani Editor 8 Mar 2022
Julian PJ Halcox Editor 27 Feb 2020
Karen Rees Editor 23 Feb 2022
Kirk Magee Editor 14 Feb 2020
Kishore Kukendra-Rajah Editor 14 Feb 2020
Kunal N Karmali Editor 6 Oct 2020
Lee Hooper Editor 7 Apr 2020
Liesl Zuhlke Editor 8 Mar 2022
Luis Garegnani Editor Not submitted
Mahmood Ahmad Editor 13 Feb 2020
Marco Antonio A Peña Duque Editor 23 Feb 2022
Mariann Gyongyosi Editor 22 Feb 2021
Matthias Briel Editor 8 Mar 2022
Mouaz H Al-Mallah Editor 27 Feb 2022
Nicolas Berbenetz Editor 9 Mar 2022
Nikolaos Papageorgiou Editor 19 Feb 2020
Olaf Wendler Editor 14 Mar 2022
Oliver Guttmann Editor 24 Feb 2022
Pablo Perel Editor 29 Mar 2021
Pascal Meier Editor 6 Oct 2020
Pedro Monteiro Editor Not submitted
Peter Lamptey Editor Not submitted
Pier Lambiase Editor 4 May 2020
Reecha Sofat Editor Not submitted
Riccardo Giuseppe Abbasciano Editor 23 Feb 2022
Robby Nieuwlaat Editor 29 Mar 2021
Rod S Taylor Editor 23 Feb 2022
Rui Providencia Editor 14 Apr 2023
S. Chris Malaisrie Editor 23 Feb 2021
Sally C Inglis Editor 6 Oct 2020
Samer Alabed Editor 23 Feb 2022
Setor K Kunutsor Editor 8 Mar 2022
Silvia Minozzi Editor 25 Feb 2022
William E. Cayley Editor 14 Apr 2023
Z_INACTIVE_Incontinence Group Amalia Karahalios Editor, Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Andrew Elders Editor, Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Aniruddh V Deshpande Editor 4 Apr 2018
Brian S Buckley Editor 9 Apr 2020
Catherine L Murphy Editor 8 Mar 2022
Chantale Dumoulin Editor 10 Mar 2022
Donna Z Bliss Editor 16 Feb 2021
Dwayne Boyers Editor 26 Feb 2020
E Jean C Hay-Smith Editor 28 Jan 2020
Helen E Nagels Managing Editor 21 Mar 2023
Jo Morrison Managing Editor 25 Apr 2023
Joan Ostaszkiewicz Editor 4 Mar 2022
Jonathan A Cook Statistician 11 Mar 2022
Joseph A Ogah Editor 8 Mar 2022
Mary Kilonzo Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nicola Dean Editor 31 Jul 2019
Paul Hilton Editor 23 Feb 2022
Priya Madhuvrata Editor 3 Apr 2018
Shaun Treweek Editor 23 Feb 2022
Suzanne Hagen Editor, Statistician 24 Feb 2021
Z_INACTIVE_Injuries Group Harald Herkner Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Naomi Dayan Managing Editor 19 Oct 2023
Z_INACTIVE_Movement Disorders Group Austen P Moore Feedback Editor, Editor 23 Feb 2022
Carl Counsell Editor 23 Feb 2022
Carl E Clarke Editor 28 Feb 2022
Carsten B Juhl Statistician 9 Mar 2022
Christopher Goetz Editor Not submitted
Cristina Sampaio Editor 22 Oct 2014
João Costa Co-ordinating Editor, Editor 2 Mar 2020
Marta Roqué-Figuls Editor 15 Feb 2021
Rita Sousa Assistant Information Specialist Not submitted
Sara Yaron Editor 1 Mar 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Neuromuscular Group Carolyn A Young Editor 28 Feb 2022
Catrin Tudur Smith Statistician 24 Feb 2022
Claire M White Editor 13 May 2021
Colin H Chalk Editor 4 Feb 2022
Djillali Annane Editor 23 Feb 2021
Filip Eftimov Editor 24 Feb 2022
Fiona Norwood Editor 15 Mar 2019
Joshua Burns Editor 23 Feb 2022
Michael PT Lunn Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 6 Apr 2021
Michael R Rose Editor Not submitted
Renato J Verdugo Editor 22 Feb 2021
Richard W Orrell Editor 15 Aug 2017
Rosaline Quinlivan Editor 2 Oct 2023
Sarah J Nevitt Editor 2 Oct 2023
Z_INACTIVE_Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Group Adrian J Tookman Editor 15 Nov 2022
Alessandro Chiarotto Editor 28 Feb 2022
Amanda C de C Williams Editor 27 Feb 2022
Bethan Copsey Editor 23 Feb 2022
Christopher Eccleston Editor 5 May 2022
Esther Pogatzki-Zahn Editor 27 Apr 2022
Ewan D McNicol Editor 23 Feb 2022
Gavin Stewart Statistician, Editor 21 May 2020
Geert Crombez Editor 30 Mar 2022
Joanne Abbott Information Specialist 25 Feb 2022
McKenzie C Ferguson Editor 23 Feb 2022
Nick MR Wilkinson Editor 20 Apr 2022
Peter Cole Editor 7 Mar 2023
Rachel France Editor Not submitted
Sarah Mitchell Editor 16 Dec 2021
Sarah Yardley Editor 2 Mar 2022
Sebastian Straube Editor 23 Feb 2022
Winfried Häuser Editor 31 Mar 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Pregnancy and Childbirth Group Ashraf F Nabhan Editor 29 Apr 2024
Ben Willem J Mol Editor 10 Jan 2021
Christine E East Editor 24 Feb 2022
David M Haas Editor 8 Mar 2022
Declan Devane Editor 23 Feb 2022
Edgardo Abalos Editor 8 Mar 2022
Emily Shepherd Editor 23 Feb 2022
Erika Ota Editor 8 Mar 2022
G Justus Hofmeyr Editor 15 Feb 2021
Gillian ML Gyte Editor 7 Mar 2022
Ioannis D Gallos Editor 8 Mar 2022
Joshua P Vogel Editor 23 Feb 2022
Olufemi T Oladapo Editor 8 Mar 2022
Philippa Middleton Editor 23 Feb 2022
Rintaro Mori Editor 27 Feb 2022
Sarah Donegan Editor 26 Feb 2022
Shireen Meher Editor Not submitted
Vincenzo Berghella Editor 21 Jul 2020
Z_INACTIVE_Schizophrenia Group Adib Essali Editor 8 Mar 2022
Ajit Kumar Editor 12 Oct 2020
Akhil Abhijnhan Editor 15 Feb 2021
Alessandro Rodolico Editor 6 Mar 2022
Anna Ceraso Editor 11 Jun 2024
Bartosz Helfer Editor 17 May 2022
Christine Rummel-Kluge Editor Not submitted
Chunbo Li Editor 9 Mar 2022
Hiroyoshi Takeuchi Editor Not submitted
Hongyong Deng Editor 12 Mar 2022
Irene Bighelli Deputy Co-ordinating Editor 25 Apr 2023
Javier Ortiz-Orendain Editor 9 Oct 2020
Johannes Schneider-Thoma Editor 24 Feb 2022
John M Davis Editor 15 Feb 2021
Jun Xia Editor 9 Mar 2022
Lone Baandrup Editor 27 Feb 2022
Mahesh B Jayaram Editor, Co-ordinating Editor 16 May 2023
Marianna Purgato Editor 22 Oct 2019
Mark Hann Statistician Not submitted
Myrto T Samara Editor 9 Oct 2020
Ranganath D Rattehalli Editor 24 Feb 2022
Sarah Lewington Statistician Not submitted
Schizophrenia Cochrane Assistant Managing Editor, Managing Editor Not submitted
Soumitra Shankar Datta Editor 25 Aug 2022
Spyridon Siafis Editor 23 Feb 2022
Stefan Leucht Editor 13 Aug 2015
Vivek A Furtado Editor 8 Mar 2022
Yikang Zhu Editor 9 Mar 2022
Z_INACTIVE_Stroke Group Ayeesha K Kamal Editor Not submitted
Bo Wu Editor Not submitted
Coralie English Editor Not submitted
Craig S Anderson Editor 15 Feb 2021
Dániel Bereczki Editor 23 Feb 2021
Frederike van Wijck Editor 8 Mar 2022
Graeme J Hankey Editor 23 Feb 2022
Jan Mehrholz Editor 28 Feb 2022
Kameshwar Prasad Editor Not submitted
Luciana A Mendes Editor 11 Mar 2022
Maree L Hackett Editor 9 Mar 2022
Marian C Brady Editor 8 Mar 2022
Ming Liu Editor Not submitted
Miriam Brazzelli Editor 25 Apr 2016
Peter AG Sandercock Editor 7 Mar 2016
Rustam Al-Shahi Salman Editor 23 Feb 2022
Sarah Coveney Editor Not submitted
Simiao Wu Editor Not submitted
Stefano Ricci Editor 31 Aug 2022
Tammy C Hoffmann Editor 23 Feb 2022
Valentina Assi Statistician 21 Feb 2017
Z_INACTIVE_Vascular Group Gregory Moneta Editor 25 Feb 2020
Heather Maxwell Editor 8 Mar 2022
Julie Brittenden Feedback Editor Not submitted
Lorna Watson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Paul V Tisi Editor 23 Feb 2022
Stavros Kakkos Editor 26 Feb 2022
Stewart Walsh Editor Not submitted
Z_INACTIVE_Wounds Group Andrea Nelson Editor 8 Mar 2022
Andrew B Jull Editor 17 Feb 2021
Anne-Marie Glenny Editor 11 Jun 2020
Antonia M Marsden Statistician 10 Mar 2022
Calvin Heal Statistician 22 Feb 2021
David Margolis Editor 10 Jun 2020
Dirk T Ubbink Editor 23 Feb 2022
Elizabeth McInnes Editor 23 Feb 2022
Elmer Villanueva Statistician 8 Mar 2022
Evangelos Kontopantelis Statistician Not submitted
Gill Worthy Statistician 11 Mar 2021
Giovanni Casazza Statistician 23 Feb 2022
Julie Bruce Editor 31 Aug 2023
Kurinchi Selvan Gurusamy Editor 23 Feb 2022
Marialena Trivella Statistician 25 Apr 2023
Mark Simmonds Statistician 15 Feb 2021
Richard Kirubakaran Statistician Not submitted
Sarah Rhodes Statistician 15 Feb 2021
Sonya Osborne Editor 11 Mar 2021
Susan O'Meara Editor 8 Mar 2022
Tanya Walsh Editor 23 Feb 2022
Zhenmi Liu Editor 11 Jun 2020