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Active filter: Kidney and Transplant Group Reset
Group Name Roles Updated on
Kidney and Transplant Group Anh Kieu Information Specialist Not submitted
Armando Teixeira-Pinto Statistician, Staff 28 Oct 2021
Catherine M Clase Editor 10 Jun 2022
Colin H Wilson Editor 15 Feb 2021
David W Johnson Editor 23 Feb 2022
Edmund YM Chung Editor, Staff Not submitted
Elisabeth M Hodson Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 23 Feb 2022
Emmanuel E Effa Editor 30 Jan 2024
Giovanni FM Strippoli Deputy Co-ordinating Editor, Feedback Editor, Staff 3 Jun 2024
Jonathan C Craig Co-ordinating Editor 23 Feb 2022
Matthew A Roberts Editor 16 Feb 2021
Narelle S Willis Staff, Managing Editor 18 Jul 2024
Nicole Scholes-Robertson Editor 24 Feb 2022
Patrizia Natale Assistant Managing Editor 6 Mar 2023
Petra Macaskill Editor, Statistician 1 Mar 2022
Pietro Ravani Editor 31 Aug 2023
Ruth L Mitchell Information Specialist 14 Mar 2022
Suetonia C Palmer Editor 23 Feb 2021
Vivekanand Jha Editor 26 Feb 2020