
Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - April 2020

Cochrane Governing Board agenda and open access papers available - April 2020

The agenda and open access papers for the Cochrane Governing Board teleconference on 30-31 March and 1st of April  are now available to view online, for information only.

Cochrane's governing body is the Governing Board. The Board is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of Cochrane’s strategic direction. If you would like to comment on an item you can contact the Board:


6 April 2020

Further extension to Toronto abstract and workshop submission date

The 27th Cochrane Colloquium, Toronto 2020 invites submissions for abstracts

FURTHER EXTENSION: The deadline for abstract submissions is now 23.59 UTC, 6 April 2020

Dear Community Colleagues,
As a result of the continued spread and impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the world, we wanted to update you with important news and information regarding Cochrane’s 27th annual Colloquium in Toronto, 4-7th October, 2020.
We know that many members of Cochrane and its stakeholders are currently responding to, and involved in science research and innovations that are critical to mitigating the effects of this pandemic during this extraordinary time of challenge. As a result, the deadline for ALL submissions of abstracts and workshops has been extended for an additional two weeks, to Monday 6th April 2020.
As governments around the world tighten further restrictions on travel, entry into their countries and the numbers allowed to gather socially in a bid to contain the coronavirus outbreak, Cochrane Canada and the Local Organizing Committee of the 2020 Cochrane Colloquium are continuing to monitor this rapidly changing global health situation. We know that it may be difficult to make plans at this time and currently our plans to hold the Colloquium in-person remain unchanged. However, we recognize that we are facing uncertain weeks and months ahead, and so we commit to you that a decision will be made and communicated as to whether the Toronto Colloquium will physically take place or move to become a fully virtual scientific event by Friday, June 5, 2020.
Cochrane is a formidable global community of supporters and members, and now, more than ever, our values of connection, community and collaboration hold us together.
Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to Cochrane’s Colloquium and we will be in contact again soon with our future plans.
With our best wishes,
Cochrane Canada and the Toronto Colloquium Organizing Committee
Read more about Cochrane’s response to COVID-19 here


REMINDER: When submitting an abstract, we would like to ask you for a self-evaluation regarding your eligibility for the Thomas C Chalmers Award.
An accepted poster or oral presentation is eligible for the Award if: it addresses a methodological issue related to systematic reviews; and it is presented by an early-career investigator


24 March 2020

Launch of Crowd version 2

Launch of Crowd version 2

Our much anticipated updates to Cochrane Crowd were launched earlier this week with great fanfare and an extraordinary amount of celebratory tea!

These updates were closely informed by the user research project we ran last year, where we asked for suggestions and feedback from you, the Cochrane Crowd community. We were touched by all the thoughtful feedback and hope you are as excited and happy about the updates as we are.

Read on for an overview of our top five updates, scroll down for a virtual tour of the updates with Anna, and then sign up for a live demo and Q+A session. We're running two sessions in March - pick the one that suits your timezone.

Happy screening!

Anna and Emily


Take a 10 minute tour of Cochrane Crowd version 2 with Anne Noel-Storr, Cochrane Crowd Lead


Join us for a live Q&A


Contact us

Have any questions, feedback or suggestions for Cochrane Crowd? Contact Emily on We look forward to hearing from you!

16 March 2020

Call for 'Expressions of Interest' to Join the Cochrane India Network now open

Cochrane India

Cochrane’s work in India has been capably led for many years by the Cochrane South Asia Centre, based at the Prof Bhoosham V Moses Centre for Evidence- Informed Healthcare and Health Policy at Christian Medical College, Vellore. Following the closure of Cochrane South Asia in 2019, we have an opportunity to launch a new chapter in Cochrane’s activities in India by establishing a new, open, collaborative Network.

A consultative meeting was held in Delhi in February 2020, involving institutions and people that are actively involved in evidence-informed health care in India. The meeting participants identified opportunities and challenges for Cochrane in India, and agreed that the development of an India wide Network would indeed be a good way forward to strengthen evidence-informed health care and decision making in India. Participants emphasised the need for the Network to be open and inclusive and truly collaborative. The overall themes emerging and relevant to address through a Cochrane India Network evolved around knowledge translation and training. In addition, participants mentioned the opportunity for holding Network events – meetings, awareness raising events or trainings.

The aim of this current Call for Expressions of Interest is to invite India based institutions to indicate their interest to join the Cochrane India Network as a Cochrane Affiliate. This will be a two-step process:

  1. Submitting an expression of interest (this current open call);
  2. Following review of the expressions of interest received and on invitation: Preparing a full application and strategic plan outlining the detailed contribution of an institution to the Cochrane India Network.



11 March 2020

Cochrane at the WHO: Supporting initiatives to prevent deafness and hearing loss

Cochrane at the WHO: Supporting initiatives to prevent deafness and hearing loss

Chris Brennan-Jones gives an overview of how working on a suite of Cochrane reviews on chronic suppurative otitis media has led to a deeper partnership with WHO on a range of initiatives that focus on the prevention of deafness and hearing loss.

Could you give a quick introduction to yourself and your work within Cochrane?

"I am the Head of the Ear Health research team within the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases at the Telethon Kids Institute in Perth, Western Australia, as well as a paediatric audiologist at Perth Children’s Hospital. In 2015 I did a short sabbatical with Professors Martin Burton and Anne Schilder at the Cochrane ENT group in Oxford, UK. This ended up leading to the development of a suite of seven Cochrane reviews examining interventions for chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM, otherwise known as chronic discharging ears). We are now beginning to publish these reviews. I also co-ordinate a regular “Cochrane Corner” for the International Journal of Audiology.

How are you working with WHO?

I am a member of WHO’s World Hearing Forum and am involved in the working group for the World Report on Hearing (due to be released in May 2020). The World Report on Hearing has been developed in response to the 2017 World Health Assembly resolution on the prevention of deafness and hearing loss (WHA70.13). This resolution called for WHO to prepare a report on the state of hearing health globally, based on the best-available scientific evidence. CSOM is one of the leading preventable causes of hearing loss and, as we were in the process of conducting reviews of the effectiveness of available treatments globally, there was potential for the findings of these to shape the report, and any new treatment strategies that may developed in response to it.

How are Cochrane Reviews informing this work?

The suite of Cochrane reviews we have been working on initially started with an extensive scoping, consultation and prioritisation process. As part of this process we got in contact with Dr Shelly Chadha from the WHO Prevention of Deafness programme. Dr Chadha and the WHO team actively contributed to the scoping and prioritisation for our reviews. They provided a valuable global perspective, and encouraged greater engagement in their activities to ensure the knowledge gained from our reviews will be translated effectively. This led to our involvement in the WHO’s World Hearing Forum and contribution to the World Report of Hearing working group. Cochrane reviews in general – but particularly a suite of related reviews – can be an excellent tool for informing evidence-based strategies such as this.

Dr Shelly Chadha, Dr Chadha and Chris Brennan-Jones
Chris Brennan-Jones at the World Hearing Forum with Ms Sandra Nelson (left) and Professor Hasantha Gunasekera (right), both members of the Centre for Excellence in Ear and Hearing Health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children (CRE ICHEAR).


You recently attended the World Hearing Forum, hosted by WHO. Could you tell us about this meeting?

The WHO World Hearing Forum had its inaugural meeting of over 130 stakeholders from around the world in December 2019 to provide a unified approach to the prevention and effective treatment of deafness and hearing loss. In addition to the World Hearing Report, there was also a focus on promoting the Make Listening Safe global public health initiative; World Hearing Day (which occurs on 3 March every year); and other initiatives to promote effective resource utilisation for treatment and preventative care of ear disease and hearing loss, particularly in resource-limited settings throughout the world.

WHO-WHF World Report on Hearing working group


What advice would you give to members of the Cochrane community interested in getting involved in WHO work?

Get in touch! If you are working on a topic that you think aligns to the strategic objectives of a WHO department initiative, tell them about it. As a first step, you can contact Emma Thompson, Cochrane's Advocacy and Partnership Officer:

CSOM reviews published to date:

Read more about Cochrane ENT

WHO WHF 5 Dec 2019
6 March 2020

In Memoriam: Eivind Berge

Eivind Berge

On behalf of everyone within the Cochrane community, we are sad to learn of the death of Eivind Berge. Eivind played a substantial role in Cochrane Stroke and will be remembered dearly by the community. 

On 6th February 2020 we lost our good friend and Cochrane Stroke colleague, Eivind Berge.  Eivind was Consultant Cardiologist at the Department of Internal Medicine at Oslo University Hospital who had a special interest in stroke.  He developed an impressive research portfolio covering thrombolysis, blood pressure management, and the management of intracerebral haemorrhage.  He played a pivotal role in developing evidence-based practice and guideline initiatives in his native Norway but also extended his influence more widely through the European Stroke Organisation.

Eivind became a member of the Cochrane Stroke Editorial Board in January 2004 and served a long and productive term of office including both conventional editorial duties and also serving as the Feedback Editor from June 2008.  Throughout these years he always remained a quiet and enthusiastic supporter of Cochrane and his enthusiasm to promote evidence-based practice seemed to infuse all his activities.

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Eivind’s long and productive career is the many traditional virtues that he brought to his work: wisdom, respect, fairness, and a quiet determination.  He would always listen to a point of view and respond in a cheerful, modest, thoughtful and respectful manner.  He was such a good and faithful friend to Cochrane Stroke, and we will all miss him dearly.

Eivind Berge (1964-2020)


5 March 2020

Cancellation of Cochrane's Governance Meetings, Manchester 2020

Governance Meetings: information on the strategic meetings and latest travel advice

Cancellation of Cochrane’s Governance Meetings, Manchester 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

As a result of the increasing travel restrictions being placed upon our delegates, and the continued spread and impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) across the world, Cochrane’s Governance Meetings in Manchester between 30th March - 1st April have been cancelled. We realize that this will be disappointing for many people; we share your disappointment.

Despite over 190 Group leaders and staff having originally registered, we are aware that employers and national governments are imposing travel restrictions and many of them are now no longer able to attend, or are increasingly concerned about doing so. We expect the number of people who are unable to make it to Manchester to increase rapidly, particularly for those colleagues travelling internationally. We are also aware that the number of people testing positive for the virus in the UK is rising, and whilst current Public Health England and the UK government advice remains the same, it is likely that guidance will change and become more restrictive over the coming weeks.

Cochrane’s Governance Meetings are an annual opportunity for leaders and executives from across our global organization to meet in person to discuss and agree strategic priorities and plans for the years ahead. We were all particularly looking forward to meeting together in Manchester after the disappointment of the cancellation of Cochrane’s Santiago Colloquium in October 2019. However, we are aware of our duty of care to Cochrane members and staff, and the increasing risks associated with the spread of the coronavirus in the coming weeks. Therefore, following a recommendation by the Senior Management Team, the Governing Board has decided to cancel all Strategic Sessions, Group Executive, the General Meeting for members and all other business meetings.

It is not feasible or appropriate to recreate the Governance Meetings in a virtual event format, so we will be considering how best to achieve the objectives of the different components of the meetings using remote working. This may involve some business meetings being held as a series of shorter teleconferences - and some of these may be scheduled in the original timetable (30 March – 1 April) - but in other cases a fundamentally different approach may be appropriate: for example, conducting consultation exercises by survey, focus groups and interviews to ensure the widest and most effective participation for people in different time zones across the world. More information will follow from the Central Executive Team in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, should you have any immediate concerns or questions, please contact You should cancel relevant travel tickets and accommodation bookings. Guidance and advice will follow soon on reclaiming funds from Cochrane that are not refunded to you, should you wish to make a claim.

The Board and Senior Management Team share the huge disappointment that it has been necessary to cancel this year’s Governance Meetings. However, we are all in agreement that this is the most appropriate decision given the ongoing global health situation.

We thank you for your understanding and hope that you all stay safe and well.  

With our very best wishes,

Martin Burton & Catherine Marshall
Co-Chairs, on behalf of the Governing Board

11 March 2020

26 February 2020

Appointments to Cochrane Council

Appointments to Cochrane Council

The Cochrane Council aims to ensure that Cochrane Groups retain an effective voice in Cochrane’s leadership and strategic decision-making.

We are delighted to welcome Jo Morrison as new Coordinating Editor representative, Vanessa Jordan as new Authors representative and Sarah Nevitt as new Methods representative.

Jo is a gynaecological cancer surgeon and she has been Coordinating Editor for Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancer (GNOC) Group since 2011. She has experience of governance and management within the NHS and as a Council member on the British Gynaecological Cancer Society. She works on a national guidelines committee and lead a guideline development group, involving multi-disciplinary members.

Vanessa is an Author with Cochrane New Zealand and she has been involved with Cochrane for 16 years. She is a methodologist specialising in systematic reviews, and she trains authors on how to write systematic reviews in New Zealand, Australia and China. She is currently an author on 19 reviews which includes, 10 published reviews (9 interventional and 1 diagnostic), 5 published protocols (including a network meta-analysis) with a further 3 reviews and 1 protocol close to publication.

Sarah is a Research Associate in the Institute of Translational Medicine at the University of Liverpool, UK. She has been an active Cochrane author and Cochrane Methods enthusiast since 2011 and is currently the Statistical Editor of the Cochrane Epilepsy Group and the Cochrane Neuromuscular Group. She is also an active member of the Mental Health and Neuroscience Network.

In addition to the new appointments, we are pleased to inform our Community that Gail Quinn, Rene Spijker, Lotty Hooft, Erik von Elm and Miranda Langendam have all been re-elected for a second term on the Council which will end in February 2023.

Our special thanks to Maria Ximena Rojas-Reyes, Graziella Filippini and Yemisi Takwoingi for their contribution to the work of the Council in the past three years.



20 February 2020

Cochrane Scientific Committee seeks new members

Cochrane Scientific Committee seeks new members

We seek applications to five vacant positions on the Cochrane Scientific Committee; two positions are for those from within the Cochrane community, two positions are for representation external to Cochrane, and one position is for an early career researcher. 

All positions start in May 2020. Please note the deadline is 25 March 2020.

This is an exciting opportunity for experienced health care researchers and systematic reviewers to contribute their skill set at an influential level within a leading evidence synthesis organization, or for an early career researcher to be mentored by the group.

Applications open!

What is the Cochrane Scientific Committee? 

The Cochrane Scientific Committee is involved in ensuring Cochrane stays at the forefront of methodological developments and that Cochrane Reviews use the most rigorous methods available to maintain the highest integrity of our research. 

The full Terms of Reference for the Scientific Committee is available on the Cochrane Methods website. 

As Cochrane diversifies the research questions asked it needs to ensure the methods related to those questions are robust and viable. The Scientific Committee supports this endeavour and is comprised of people in leading roles in the field with a proven track record of expertise in guiding methods development and implementation. We aim for a broad spectrum of methods expertise within the Committee and members must be committed to the highest standards of integrity within the science of systematic reviews. 

Key roles and responsibilities include:

  • Assess and recommend to the Editor in Chief what methods are appropriate within Cochrane by liaising with the Methods Executive, relevant Methods Groups, methodologists from the wider field and Cochrane Review Groups.
  • Act as an independent forum to discuss, debate and agree current and future methodological or scientific issues, or priorities, in Cochrane.
  • Advise the Editor in Chief by bringing together a wider perspective on methodological and scientific issues. 

The Scientific Committee is comprised of up to 14 members:

  • Six members from within the Cochrane community (leading members from our Methods Groups, Review Groups, Centres and Fields) with either a strong focus on methods research and development, or a strong focus on editorial skills and healthcare experience with strong methods interests.
  • Six external members to provide a balanced independent focus. These people are senior experienced researchers leading within their specialist field, who have a wide knowledge of systematic review methodology, or senior experienced systematic reviewers, or editors, with a known interest and experience in methodological development. At least two of the external members will also represent stakeholders and end users of reviews e.g. agencies using Cochrane Reviews in guidelines, health research funders and those representing consumer interests.
  • The Editor in Chief and Deputy Editor in Chief.
  • An early career researcher who is developing a relevant methodological track record (mentored, observational position). 

The terms for full committee members will be three years and the term for the early career researcher will be one year, with annual nominations for vacancies each year. Once elected, full members (not early career researchers) can request to extend their tenure by an additional term, which is subject to Committee approval (there is a two-term limit for Committee members). 

Details of the open positions on the Cochrane Scientific Committee 

We are looking for two members from within the Cochrane community, two members external to the Cochrane community and one early career researcher to join the Scientific Committee in May 2020.

It is essential that applicants have a strong methodological interest and experience in either methods research or the application of methods or both. This will include a broad spectrum of research synthesis methods. We are also looking for applicants with additional skills in senior management of evidence producing systems, e.g. guidelines; experience with similar scientific or research committees; and health research funding, grant management or health policy. In addition, we also welcome people with relevant technological skills as technology advances within the systematic review field. 

Selection will also consider geographical location, gender and language diversity and any other equity considerations.

Role commitment: 

  • A term of office for three years for full members and one year for an early career researcher
  • Participation in up to three teleconferences per year. 
  • Attendance at possible annual face to face meeting.
  • Support all activities including statement or report writing.
  • 5-8 days per year.

We are unable to provide financial remuneration for these positions, although we would cover any expenses incurred in the course of Committee activity, such as travel and accommodation, based on prior agreement.

Please note following a successful application, members will be required to complete a conflict of interest disclosure. Cochrane’s Conflict of Interests and Commercial Sponsorship Policy is available here.

Apply here

19 February 2020

EVBRES Cost-Action qualitative study

EVBRES Cost-Action qualitative study

Dear Cochrane colleagues,
We are part of the EU-funded EVBRES COST Action that aims to encourage the use of an Evidence-Based Research (EBR) approach while carrying out clinical research. Within our Working Group we want to assess what areas of the systematic review process are most resource intensive and why. To increase our understanding of why some steps of conducting and updating a systematic review are perceived resource intensive by reviewers we conduct a qualitative study.
As an experienced systematic reviewer in a healthcare related area (either clinical, health services, public health or health policy) you are in an ideal position to give us valuable first hand information on the review production and update processes from your own perspective, and we would very much appreciate your participation.
The interviews will be conducted via Skype and take around 30 minutes. Your responses to the questions will be kept confidential. Each interview will be assigned a number code to help ensure that personal identifiers are not revealed during the analysis and write up of findings.
There is no compensation for participating in this study. However, your participation will be a valuable addition to our research and will contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon.
If you are willing to participate please let us know by filling in this short form and we will soon be in contact to schedule a meeting for the interview, based on your availability.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us (
Thank you,
Moriah Ellen and Barbara Nussbaumer-Streit
On behalf of EVBRES WG3




13 February 2020
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