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  • New Cochrane Community website!
    Time to celebrate - the new Cochrane Community website is here! We are delighted to welcome you to the new and improved Cochrane Community website - the final phase of rebranding Cochrane online. It's been just over a year since we launched with our new organizational logo and branding; following that, 130+ Cochrane Groups went…
  • Mid-Year Meeting
    Cochrane’s Mid-Year Meeting provides an opportunity for face-to-face meetings of the collaboration’s Steering Group and other groups and contributors responsible for helping to formulate and implement Cochrane policy. Cochrane senior staff will lead a strategic session on 5 April, focusing on Cochrane's governance reform and knowledge translation…
  • Croup: a father's story
    For more than 20 years, Cochrane has produced systematic reviews of primary research in human health care and health policy. We are internationally recognized as the highest standard in evidence-based healthcare resources. This video is the story of how a team of Cochrane researchers in Canada are helping to change practice in the treatment of a…
  • The Cochrane Vaccines Field has ceased operations effective 1 November 2015. An ongoing lack of resource capacity meant that the team were unable to continue to provide a coordinating base and we thank them for all of their hard work. Please direct all enquiries relevant to the Field’s work to the Central Executive team.
  • Guest blog by Hywel Williams A new Cochrane Library Special Collection brings together recent Cochrane Reviews on allergy. In this guest blog, Hywel Williams, Co-ordinating Editor of the Cochrane Skin Group, looks in more detail at some of the reviews relating to skin disorders. There is plenty of interesting information for…
  • Searching for diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) studies can be frustrating and time-consuming, as those of us now engaged in producing systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy can attest! EMBASE is the first of the major electronic medical literature databases to introduce an indexing term specifically for DTA studies. The lack of such terms…
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