Development Directorate

Director of Development: [vacant

Development Team Assistant: Lydia Parsonson


Head of Communications: Harry Dayantis

Events Support Officer: Sabrina Khamissa

Internal Communications Manager: Wanjiru Mwangi

Communications Officer: Christine Maema

Creative Content Producer: Peter Homer

Senior Communications Officer: Muriah Umoquit

Web Operations Manager: Paolo Rosati

Senior Software Engineer: Martin Janczyk

Advocacy and Partnerships

Advocacy and Partnerships Manager: Emma Thompson

Advocacy Partnerships Officer: Mariam Salman


Head of Fundraising: Karen Johnson

Membership, Learning and Support

Head of Membership, Learning and Support: Robert Beswick

(Interim) Cochrane Support Manager: Stephanie Owens

Publishing Systems Support Specialist: Alice Mercanti

Cochrane Support and Training Officer: Rachel Klabunde

Cochrane Support Officers: Diane Gal, Stephanie Owens, Eva Krainitzki, Veronique Sapet, Laura Wilson and Tom Patterson

Membership and Volunteering Manager: Ann Shackleton

Senior Learning Content Officer: Dario Sambunjak

Learning & Support Officer: Ruth Turley (on maternity)

Learning & Support Officer: Shayesteh Jahanfar (maternity cover)

Learning Content and Systems Officer: Oliver Willis

Consumer Membership Officers: April English and Richard Morley

Cochrane Response

Head of Cochrane Response: Nicholas Henschke

Senior Systematic Reviewer: Gemma Villanueva

Systematic Reviewers: Elise Cogo, Hanna Bergman, Jennifer Petkovic, Katrin Probyn, Meghan Sebastianski and Yanina Sguassero