Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Hong Kong
Wai Tong Chien
Translating PLSs and abstracts of Cochrane reviews
Which function does this relate to?
Disseminate Cochrane reviews locally
Contribute to Cochrane’s priority setting work
Act as a coordinating centre for Cochrane activities
Increase access of Cochrane evidence in different languages
Other review and evidence production
PLSs and abstracts of Cochrane reviews in traditional and simplified Chinese.
The translation work is ongoing.
Cochrane China (Centre for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine), Cochrane Taiwan
Wai Tong Chien
Language translations, Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Consumer /patient / caretaker engagement
From Jan 2020 until now, our team translated 285 abstracts and PLSs of Cochrane review into simplified Chinese, and translated 44 PLSs of Cochrane review into Traditional Chinese, which are all published on the Cochrane Library and Cochrane China Network (for the translation of simplified Chinese only) website. We provide training for team members periodically to help them successfully complete the translation work. Student volunteers appreciated the training opportunities and were proud to contribute to the Cochrane community.