Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane US (Cornell University)
Patricia Cassano
WHO/Cochrane/Cornell Summer Institute on Systematic Reviews in Nutrition for Global Policymaking
Which function does this relate to?
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Support review production through training and membership
Support student engagement
Cochrane review and evidence production
Pat Cassano
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Evidence production, Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
Trained 25 individuals, with the following region of origin: 44% Americas, 24% European, 16% Southeast Asia, 8% African, 4% Western Pacific, 4% Eastern Mediterranean.
Our trainees included participants with a PhD (64%), an MD/MBBS (16%), a Masters degree (20%).

We have 3 learning objectives, 1. To develop technical skills and knowledge in systematic reviews of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions​; 2. To understand the processes of evidence assessment and global policy making for nutrition-related issues​; 3. To complete hands-on training in the development of Cochrane systematic reviews relevant to nutrition and global health.
Our post-Institute evaluations showed that ~100% fully or mostly met all 3 learning objectives.