Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Russia
Liliya Eugenevna Ziganshina
Publishing about Cochrane, The Cochrane Library and Cochrane Terminology in the Great Russian Encyclopedia
Which function does this relate to?
Promote Cochrane and its work
Build local partnerships with key stakeholders
Maintain an advocacy programme
Support student engagement
We started the Partnership between the home of Cochrane Russia, RMANPO, and the Great Russian Encyclopedia in 2022 and we keep going!
The Great Russian Encyclopedia
Liliya Eugenevna Ziganshina
Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Partnership development, Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
This is a unique opportunity for reaching out to the entire Russian population and Russian-speaking global community because it is the most known and highly valued Russian Encyclopedia, which has a long standing tradition of publishing only unbiased and fully verified information, supported by extensive literature sources.