Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane China (Centre for Evidence-based Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine)
Xun Li
Simplified Chinese translation of Cochrane review abstracts and PLSs
Which function does this relate to?
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Undertake local knowledge translation activities
Support student engagement
Cochrane China (Department of Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology, Wuhan University), Cochrane China (Evidence-based Medicine Centre, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University), Cochrane China (School of Public Health and Management, Chongqing Medical University), Cochrane Hong Kong
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economic
Xun Li
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
We collaborated within Cochrane China Network(CCN) with affiliates and working groups and also with teams outside CCN but with outstanding interest and capacity of joining this work. Together we organized training involving contents of evidence-based medicine, systematic review, clinical trial, Cochrane KT and medical English translation. Training sessions were set up as a part of course teaching, intern practice or webinars. There was at least one tutor in each team to supervise the translation and complete the editing work. All teams shared the same pathway and glossary, and all the final review was done by our working group in order to keep the consistency for quality control.
In conclusion, we published 827 translations of abstracts & PLSs in 2023, which shows a lot more active translators contributed with simplified Chinese translation of higher quality. The training itself built up the capacity of translators and editors.