Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Austria
Barbara Nussbaumer-Streit
PhD in Applied Evidence Synthesis in Health Research
Which function does this relate to?
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Support review production through training and membership
Undertake / contribute to methodological or other research
Support student engagement
We offer the PhD programme continously
University for Continuing Education Krems (offers the PhD)
Barbara Nussbaumer-Streit
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Curricula development
The Department for Evidence-based Medicine and Evaluation at the University for Continuing Education Krems in Austria hosts Cochrane Austria and started a PhD programme in "Applied evidence synthesis in health research". The first two PhD students started in March 2024. As Cochrane Austria we contribute to this programme by integrating the students into the Cochrane network - especially via the Cochrane International Mobility Programme.