Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane India (Pragyaan Sustainable Health Outcome)
Sureshkumar Kamalakannan
Evaluating the evidence for Digital Health Interventions to promote access to primary care in India
Which function does this relate to?
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Contribute to Cochrane’s priority setting work
Undertake local knowledge translation activities
Support Cochrane Consumer Network
Other review and evidence production
Additionally, to work with existing Non-Cochrane related but context-specific projects to generate evidence for national priorities and advocate for decision-making in health and social care nationally.
We are using the outputs of the work to influence outcomes and impact (Advocacy & Dissemination)
Cochrane India (Christian Medical College Vellore)
Lancet Citizen's commission for reimagining health systems in India
Sureshkumar Kamalakannan
Priority setting, Evidence production, Contributions or improvements to health-related policy on local or national levels
Support for Dissemination, Publication, and Advocacy was very limited. Also, funding to cover the time/contribution for the reviewers to accomplish the objectives.
This activity involved conducting a systematic review with professionals & expert members who required training and support. Once the training was completed, we conducted the review and published it in Plos Global Public Health Journal which had a wider readership within the context. This was a three-year work from Volunteers interested to contribute on this topic. We aim to advocate and disseminate the evidence widely for decision making nationally in the coming years.