Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Malaysia
May Loong Tan
Intervarsity Competition "Communicating Evidence to Empower Informed Decision-Making” and Systematic review workshop for students
Which function does this relate to?
Promote Cochrane and its work
Host local events
Undertake local knowledge translation activities
Support student engagement
Nila Pillai
Dissemination / Knowledge Translation, Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
This competition involves students to creatively produce a video that will showcase how healthcare professionals can use a Cochrane plain language summary in a clinical setting to help patients make evidence based informed decisions about their healthcare plans.

This is a team competition and is open to all institutions of higher learning in Malaysia with undergraduate level health-science related programmes (medicine, pharmacy, dental, nursing, physiotherapy, dietetics etc).
The competition will culminate in a workshop Systematic Reviews Made Easy on 26 September 2024 (9am-12.30pm) at Avante Hotel, Bandar Utama, Selangor.

A total of 12 teams of 3 from 6 universities participated in the competition and workshop.