Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane US (Cornell University)
Patricia Cassano
WHO/Cochrane/Cornell Summer Institute on Systematic Reviews in Nutrition for Global Policymaking
Which function does this relate to?
Promote Cochrane and its work
Support review production through training and membership
Act as a coordinating centre for Cochrane activities
Support student engagement
Cochrane review and evidence production
World Health Organization and Campbell
Pat Cassano
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Evidence production, Contributions to use of Cochrane evidence in healthcare guidelines
The Institute:
Focuses on basic Cochrane Methodologies
Uses Cochrane Online ModulesĀ 
Has Participants work on learning basic methods in collaboration with review teams andĀ mentors
In our in person week, we:
Have daily plenary session topics/daily workgroup topics
Focus on hands-on learning and interactive sessions
Discuss reviews, challenges in nutrition reviews, includes group presentations daily
Discuss and train on use of reviews in policy-making
Work to deliver an understanding of advanced topics including GRADE, non-randomized studies of interventions
This was our tenth Institute and over the 10 years participants have:
25 reviews published including 18 Cochrane review
20 protocols published including 16 Cochrane protocol
11 titles registered
Reviews produced during the Institute contributed to 12 guidelines