Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Madrid (IRYCIS/Universidad Francisco de Vitoria)
Jesús Lopez-Alcalde
Learning by updating a Cochrane Review: teaching systematic review methods to undergraduate medical students
Which function does this relate to?
Support and develop the community of Cochrane members
Build local partnerships with key stakeholders
Maintain an advocacy programme
Support student engagement
Ongoing project
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (Madrid)
Jesus Lopez-Alcalde
Curricula development
We designed a subject for the last two years to guide medical students to update an intervention Cochrane review. The two-year subject (5th and 6th courses) includes theory sessions, seminars and requires student group and individual work. The teaching staff comprises one co-ordinator, five methodologists, and 20 clinical experts. Students are evaluated by attendance, participation, written essay, oral presentation, and peer assessments by other students.