Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane China (Evidence-based Medicine Centre, School of Public Health, Lanzhou University)
Yaolong Chen
ADVANCED Symposium EBM Workshop STAR Hong Kong Forum
Which function does this relate to?
Promote Cochrane and its work
Build local partnerships with key stakeholders
Act as a coordinating centre for Cochrane activities
Support student engagement
Cochrane Hong Kong
Yaolong Chen
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Conferences or professional development (organized or attended) , Promote Cochrane or the Cochrane geographic group(s) & gain visibility
This is the first time that Lanzhou University and Hong Kong Baptist University have jointly organized a seminar and training program in Hong Kong. In the future, based on the ADVANCED project, both parties will further explore the application of AI in evidence-based integrative medicine and deepen their exchange and collaboration with the Hong Kong Cochrane Center.