Geographical Group Reporting Submission

Cochrane Mexico (UNAM)
Lucía Méndez-Sánchez
Deputy Director
Which function does this relate to?
Disseminate Cochrane reviews locally
Support review production through training and membership
Undertake local knowledge translation activities
Search for sources, especially non-English sources
Cochrane review and evidence production
Our group is in charge of university support in the creation of systematic reviews in the health area. We are the first and reference authors in the creation of systematic reviews of Cochrane (COCHRANEEMD-2024-01240) and no Cochrane (in all cases based on the Cochrane methodology). We produce translations of Cochrane evidence for local interpretation and create material to understand specific concepts of the methodology of the area. We are coordinators and teachers of Cochrane courses that include basic concepts and interpretation of evidence. We promote new collaborations between our faculties (Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Biomedicine, Chemistry, etc.) and extend support to external universities and governmental areas that create Clinical Practice Guidelines (CENETEC and National Health Council).
Patricia Clark
Trainings, learning opportunities, workshops, Tools, methods, material development, Contributions to use of Cochrane evidence in healthcare guidelines
Although we have autonomy with respect to financial resources and constant productivity in Cochrane and non-Cochrane reviews, as well as the dissemination of these methodologies at the university, specialty, and postgraduate levels, as well as governmental, the Cochrane Collaboration in its annual events did not provide any type of scholarship to attend the annual events, which we consider is unfair and undermines the exposure of the achievements of the region, even when in this year we had a project accepted for presentation.
Official website:
Cochrane course:
Facebook website (693 followers):
Disemination of the group work:
Personalized mentoring program: and
Cochrane and use of evidence: